reality (2)

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I sit there reading a actually very interesting book when my dad burst into the door.

"Carl. I want you to go apologize to all of them for all the pain you caused them!" Rick says.

What about my pain am i not important?

"No, i meant what i said. now get out." i say normally as possible.

Rick walks up to me and throws the book across the room.

He grabs my arm and drags me.out.of my room.

When i get down their.

I see all of them AGAIN.

I roll my eyes.

My dad takes my weapons belt off.

"That's really not necessary you know?" i say not forgetting to role my eyes.

"Well we don't want you almost shooting someone again." Rick says.

I snarl at him.

I turn around to everyone and they all gasp.

Maggie walks to me and says "What are you doing to yourself Carl?"

Ohhhh she is talking about the bags under my eyes.

And my pale face.

And my bony body.

"Non of your business." i mumble.

"Can you guys just leave me alone and let me die?" i ask pleadingly.

Everyone looks at me with a shocked look.

"Carl. We care about y---" i cut her off by saying "then let me die." i say.

She shakes her head.

I Let a tear fall down my face but i quickly wipe it away.

"You can cry we well be here for you Carl." Carol says.

"You were not here when i was balling my eyes out... But Ron was.... He was always there." i say getting irritated.

He was always there....always

wanting Ron (Rarl)Where stories live. Discover now