reality 12 (9)

91 4 0

Ron's P.O.V

"Carl!" i scream as i run to him. "R-ron!" Carl sobs as i hug him, "i missed you so much." Carl whispers. "im here now." i say. "i had a d-dream t-that you-" Carl says breaking down into sobs, "can you give us a moment please." i ask. nodding they all leave, closing the door behind them. "shh, calm down baby." i softly say. "y-you k-killed y-yourself a-and i-i was so-so s-sad!" he sobs. "m-my heart b-broke and i j-just c-could not live w-without y-you so i-i almost killed m--" i cut him off saying "shh." he just continues sobbing into my shirt.

"i would never do that to you baby." i reassure him. he nods and his cries are decreasing, "want to go to your house and get some ice-cream, hmm?" i ask. he nods to i help him up from the bed and he winces "what e-even happened?" he stutters. "all i know is that Rick told me that you where on the guard tower and someone crashed a truck into it and you fell off." i explain.

nodding he asks "so i could have d-died?" i shake my head and turn him around to where he was facing me. "i dont want to hear about me or you being dead anymore, okay?" i ask him. he nods and we walk out of the room. "need help?" Daryl asks. shaking my head i reply "nope, im good."

"want to get on my back?" i ask Carl. he nods and Daryl helps him on my back, "thank you." he whispers to Daryl. "you know, when your hurt.. you are very nice." Daryl comments. i turn around to glare at Daryl "he's also sensitive." i whisper harshly to Daryl. "im mean?" Carl asks sadly. "no baby, your an angel." 

"lets get to your house, angel."

wanting Ron (Rarl)Where stories live. Discover now