carl died 😖

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I love you so much, you where there when I was sad.. lonley. I miss you so fucking much it hurts knowing I'll never get to see those pretty little blue eyes or should I say 'eye' in TWD anymore.

I know you'll be going to collage... And playing in other movies but it hurts. It hurts that your dead. I knew it would happen some day... But not like that. People might say "your so weak, crying over a fictional character that is still alive in real life!" But they just don't get it... They don't get what I'm feeling.

It feels like I know you since the day you where born... Like... I can't even explain my love for you. And it's not just for Carl it's for Chandler Riggs too.. I just don't like you for how awesome you are on the show, I like you for you.

Your laugh oh my gosh that fucking laugh. Your smile.... The way your eyes crinkle when you smile... Your eyes are absolute Beauty. Your little nose... I remember that one day you where sick and your nose was so pink it was adorable.

I just... Miss you so damn much. When I think about you... Or my friends say something... I feel a pain in my chest. Physical pain.

I love you.

Carl Grimes.

Forever and always

Chandler Riggs

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