reality 9 (2)

107 5 1

"Just let me die."

"Carl can you stand?" my dad asks.

I shake my head and sob.

"Maggie!" Rick yells.

"What is wrong?" Maggie says panicking.

"I don't know i had to break the stupid door down cause i heard him screaming and i came in here and he was sobbing...." Rick explains.

Maggie runs up to Carl and bends down and hugs him.

"Carl what happened?" Maggie asks.

I shake my head.

Maggie looks up to my dad then back down at me.

"Were gonna stand up in 1." Maggie says counting down.

"2." she continues.

"3." she finishes and picks me up.

"I just wanna go to bed." i whisper.

"Lets go eat first." Rick says.

I frown as we walk down stairs.

"Hey Carl!" Carol says.

I nod.

I sit down.

I look across me and see Ron sitting there.

I smile.

"Who you smiling at Carl?"Glenn asks.

"Ro-- i mean the food..." i say covering up the truth.

I look at Glenn.

He gives me a knowing look.

"Okay..." Maggie says.

She hands me a plate of food.

Maggie is about to sit were Ron is till Glenn says "Hey maggie come sit here."

She nods and sits next to Glenn.

I mouth 'thanks' to him and he nods his head.

I look across from me again and see him walking up the stairs.

"Um... Dad can i go and eat upstairs..." i ask.

"Why?" Rick asks.

"Just let him Rick." Glenn says.

Rick nods his head and i run upstairs and they all look around in confusion.

"Ron." Carl says.

"Hey Carl."Ron says.

"Carl i need to warn you about something okay?" Ron asks in a serious tone.

I nod.

"I know that you miss me... But you need to stop." Ron says.

I shake my head "what are you talking about?!" i ask.

"You need to stop missing me..... I cant come back and see you anymore.." Ron answers.

"What Ron?! No please dont go i love you i love you so so much dont leave." i beg.

"Im sorry Carl but i have to... People are waiting for me." Ron says.

I give him a confused look "what people." i ask.

"You'll see soon baby i love you." Ron says.

Ron then disappears.

"I love you too." i whisper.

(Oh guys guess what!!! I made a trailer to "Wanting Ron" i think i did a decent job XD)

wanting Ron (Rarl)Where stories live. Discover now