reality 9 (4)

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"Carl give it to me." Daryl says.

"No." i say.

"Now!" Daryl yells.

"What are you guys fighting about?" Maggie says walking in.

"Carl has a certain thing he should not have!" Daryl says.

Maggie looks to me.

"He would have wanted me to have it not you guys!" he yells.

"How do you know!" Daryl yells.

"Cause he told me!" i yell.

Daryl gives me a confused look.

"This is why i don't like talking to you guys cause you always have something bad to say!" he says.

I pull Ron's jacket closer.

"Is that.. Ron's?" Maggie asks.

"Yeah." i say.

"Carl i think you should take that off i just want what is best for you."She says.

"What?" i ask confused.

"Having Ron's jacket is going to give you memories.... And that well make you even more sad." she explains.

"Wow." i say while shaking my head laughing.

"This jacket means so much to me you cant just give me his jacket then take it back!" i say.

"Carl..." Maggie says.

I run upstairs.

I slam my bedroom door closed and walk to my bed and sit down.


"Carl i bet you cant carry me all the way down to the watch tower!" Ron yells teasingly.

"Your on!" I yell.

I pick him up bridal style and he laughs loudly.

I walk down the road and im almost there till...

"CARL!" my dad yells.

I drop Ron and he grunts.

"Oops sorry!" i say quickly.

He laughs and stands up.

"Told you!" he says while laughing.

I playfully glare at him.

"CARL!" Rick yells again.

I role my eyes and yell "yes!?"

"You missed your shift." he says sternly as he approaches me.

"Oops." i say.

Ron laughs.

I turn around and say "and i still can carry you over there he just startled me." i say with a pout.

"Carl listen to me." Rick says sternly.

"I bet i can carry you to your bedroom!" he says.

"Nah. You cant because the steps." i point out.

He picks me.up bridal styles and i let out a surprised squeal.

"Wanna bet?" he asks.

I giggle.

"Carl get back over here now!" Rick yells.

"GO RON!" i yell while giggling.

He laughs and runs.


I smile as i think about it.

I miss you...


Ron slows down a bit when my dad is out of sight.

I lay my head down on his arm.

"Your like so light." he says while laughing.

"You felt like a feather when i was carrying you." i say while giggling.

"Hey ron!" Enid says as she approaches us.

I groan.

He swats my side.

I give him a surprised look.

"be nice."he whispers sternly.

I pout.

"What are you guys doing?" she asks.

"None of your business." i mumble.

Ron gives me a stern look.

I sigh "we made a bet to see if he can carry me all the way to my bedroom." i mumble.

Enid walks next to me and takes my hat and puts it on.

"Oh look im Carl and i dress like a cowboy." Enid mimics.

Ron gives me my hat back.

I put it on.

"Oh look im Enid and i think im so cute and funny but im really not." i mimic.

"Carl!" Ron says in a surprised tone.

"She started it." i say childish.

"Oh look im Carl and i think that im the coolest and the most sexy one ever." Enid mimics.

"I don't think.... i know." i sass.


I laugh and think about how sassy i am.


"Enid Mickey is behind you!" i say.

She looks behind her and i throw a rock at her.

"Hey!" she yells.

"Don't touch my hat old lady!" i warn.

She starts to walk up to us.

"GO RON!" i yell.

"I don't think i well." Ron says while laughing.

Enid walks up to me and pulls my hair and says "i well cut it i swear!"


Ron start running and i see Enid trying to run after us and i giggle.

I set my head back down.

My hat falls off.

"Ron the hat!" i say.

Ron turns around and runs to my hat.

He pick it up and puts it on me.

He starts running again.

Soon we make it to my house.

He run up the porch steps and opens the door.

"Carl your dad has been looking for you!" Daryl yells.

"Ron run."i whisper.

He nods and starts slowly walking up the steps.

He then starts running and we make it to my room and he drops me on my bed.

I giggle and say "you made it."

He laughs and nods.


I finally have tears streaming down my face.

I look down and whisper "i love you."

wanting Ron (Rarl)Where stories live. Discover now