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The only word i can describe myself is B.A.D....

B- broken
A- alone
D- depressed

I could describe you as many words.... A.M.A.Z.I.N.G

A- Adorable
M- Meaningful
A- Affectionate 
Z- zazzy (this means you shiny/happy)
I- incredible
N- Nice
G- greatest

Too much words to describe you....

I remember when we used to cuddle in your bed and mine....

We would always bother my dad and your mum....

But your gone....

Sam is gone....

Your mom is gone.....

Your mom looked like you a bit....

She missed you Ron.

Sam missed you.

Enid misses you.



And Maggie miss you...

At least i think they do...


I miss you to.....

More then anything.

wanting Ron (Rarl)Where stories live. Discover now