reality (5)

188 7 0

I sit on my bed staring at the wall while bouncing a ball.

I hear the door open and i see Enid.

"Hey C---" i cut her off by saying "Get out."

She gives me a confused expression.

"Get out!" i say raising my voice a bit.

She just walks closer to me and says "what?"

I roll my eyes and say "i know your a girl and everything but im not afraid to kill you."

She gasps and runs out of my room.

I chuckle and get up.

I walk out of my door down the steps.

I grab myself some water.

I turn around and see Morgan...

"Um hello." i say.

He waves at me and slams me against the table.

I grunt in pain.

"MORGAN GET OFF!" i yell.

"What has been up with you latly?" he asks.

I shrug my shoulders.

"You know i heard what you said to Enid... And just to say im not afraid to kill a 'little' boy either!" he threatens.

I reach in my pocket and take out my knife and stab him in the leg.

I grab the knife and run as fast as i can out the door.

But then i feel really drowsy...

I fall to the ground.

My eyes suddenly flutter close.


I hear people talking....

Saying things like "What did you do to him!" and "He attacked me!"

I open my eyes.

I see Rick, Daryl, Maggie, Michonne, glenn, and.... Morgan.

My eyes widen.

I take my gun out and point it at his head.

"Carl put the gun down..."Rick says calmly.

I shake my head.

"He tried to kill me, he pushed me up against a table and said he wasn't afraid to kill a little boy wich im not a 'little boy'  i stabbed him in the leg and i made a run for it but then everything went black!" i say frustratedly.

"I know you want to die Carl!" he yells.

Everyone gasps.

I feel sweat dripping off of me.

"I hear you crying at night about some kid named... ron?" he says laughing.

I cant do it anymore.... I let the tears finally fall eyes.


"You would love if i killed you!" he yells.

"I bet you loved that boy didn't you?" he says laughing.

"And i also bet he was a skank." he says.


"I hope he rots!" he says.



I-i-i shot him....

Rick looks at me with a disappointed look.

Glenn look at me and shakes his head.

Maggie just looks at me with pity.

I drop the gun (just imagine carl doing that in slow motion xD)

"D-dad i-i-it h-hurts!" i sob.

He walks over to me and says "give me your weapons now!"

I shake my head.

"CARL NOW!" he yells.

I pick up the gun and reload it and put it up to my head and smile.

"CARL DONT!" Glenn yells.

They all look at me with a scared look.

"I can be with Ron." i say happily.

"Carl don't please." Daryl says.

I hear my dad whisper something into the walkie talkie.

Im about to pull the trigger till Carol jumps in and slams the gun out of my hands.

I quickly try to recover it but... Its gone....

"No, No, No Carol what have you done!" i yell.

"i saved your life!" she yells.

"I WANTED TO DIE!" i yell like really loud.

I start sobbing.

Glenn comes over and comforts me.

I don't even have enough energy to tell him to go.

So i just lean into the touch.

I soon drift off into sleep from sobbing so much...

Glenn's p.o.v

I see that Carl has fallen asleep so i pick him up.

I carry him up the stairs to his room.

I open the door and lay him on his bed.

I then get up put i feel something sharp on my foot so i cover my mouth so i wont yell.

I pick the sharp object up and see that's it is a sharp piece to a razor?

I then get the idea i CRING at the thought.

I walk over slowly to Carl and lift up his sleeve to revel what i knew it was...

I run down the steps and too everyone else.

"Guys!" i whisper yell.

They all look at me.

I hold up the razor and they give me a confused look.

"Carl has been freaking cutting himself i saw it on his wrist!" i whisper.

They all look at the razor with worry.

"We need to do something for this boy to be happy again."


wanting Ron (Rarl)Where stories live. Discover now