reality 12

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Walking in Alexandria on a cold day is horrible, I feel like I'm gonna freeze to death. Why didn't I just stay in bed and just die slowly?

Oh yeah! I got dragged out here "you need to stop whining and walk around." Maggie says. She was and always will be the most caring one, though sometimes it gets annoying.

"Thanks, but I really need to get back to my room." I declined. Rolling her eyes she gives me a disappointed look.  "What do you want from me Maggie!"

"Do you want me to go and skip around in the street with you and help you throw flowers everywhere, oh wait even better build a little pretty ginger bread house with pink frosting!" I yell sarcastically.

"How about I put on a pretty little skirt and put some flowers in my hair, oh and you can braid it!" I continue.

"Why are are you treating me like this? I was trying to help you!" Yells Maggie. "I don't need your help, get off my back!"

Maggie shakes her head in anger, "he was just a kid Carl. why can't you see that?!" I look at Maggie in amusement,  I start laughing and say "and Hershall was just some old man."

Maggie takes her hand and slaps me across the face. Falling to the floor I hold my now burning cheek, man that girl can slap. I look up at Maggie, and my eyes start to water. Someone that I known for years, someone that I call family... Just slapped me.

"What's going on here!" Someone yells. Looking to my right I see my dad running over, I lift myself up as quickly as I can. "What happened?" Asks Rick.

"Nothing." I whisper. Rick gives me a questioning look, "well something must of happened counting that i saw you on the floor and your cheek is blood red!" knowing Rick does have appoint i still don't give in.

"can you just drop it?" i ask. Does he not get that i don't want to talk about it, or is he just that blind? "see this is the exact reason i don't talk to you people any more you always start something!"

"We always start something?!" Rick yells, "really Carl?!" What is he trying to say? That I'm the one that starts this stuff? Do I start everything?

Looking down I stutter "i-i just want him b-back." Rick shakes his head "give up Carl, he is gone!" says Rick waving his hands in the air.

"No he is not!" I disagree. He is not gone, he is still here. Because if he wasn't I would not hear him talking to me. If he wasn't I would not see him walking around.

"He is still here, y-you just want me to s-suffer." I say stuttering a little. "Carl, I think you need to lay down." Rick suggests. Why would I need to lay down?

"No. he doesn't need to lay down, he is just crazy!" Maggie accused. Well there goes the most caring person.
"I'm not crazy!"

I'm not.

wanting Ron (Rarl)Where stories live. Discover now