Chapter 16 - Part 1

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" Ah!~ A wondrous choice my dears~," you said in a mock British accent ( which was pretty good, mind you and if u are British theeeeen um... mock Irish accent? )

Leading the boys over to the house, I'm too lazy to copy and past the description. The moonlight glistened, blah blah blah.

Upon arrival to the front porch of the house, you turned to the boys behind you.

"You will be graded on almost everything you do, together and apart. To begin, your fist task will obviously be getting into the house. Your overall objective, however, is to kill who and or whatever resigns in the household," the boys nodded, queuing you to turn yourself invisible.

Masky and Hoodie, being much smarter than Jeff, decided to see if the front door was open, which it was. They opened the door with ease, the pale blue object making no sound in the process.

The boys stalked into the house, much quieter than Jeff (obviously). The two silently agreed to split up in the searching of the household, swooping into each room that they passed only stopping once they found the kitchen to pick up some weapons. 

Masky, now armed with a few kitchen knives and a baseball bat ascended the stairs to scope out the few rooms on the second floor. Hoodie, now holding a wrench and a frying pan (don't u dare judge him, a frying pan is a very deadly weapon) checked the remaining doors of the first floor before going to join Masky on the second.

Masky motioned for Hoodie to follow him as he silently walked over to a dusty rose colored door, which was slightly ajar. The boys looked at each other before deciding to open it more.


this is late

this is very late

I'm sorry for this being so late my weirdos.

I decided to get up off my ass and make this a two-parter just so to make it less of a wait

Sorry again my dears, school has been hell

regardless thank you for the reads hope you continue, and I'll try to update as soon as I can


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