Chapter 14.5: Is This Real?

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Chapter 14.5: Is This Real?

A/N 14.5 for no reason whatsoever. Thanks continue reading :3

Rin's P.O.V

The world is spinning.. What's happening to me? I feel so weak...

Anyone? I tried to say. But, nothing came out.


As I looked around without moving my head, I saw no light. Nowhere. Just, where am I? 

"Hello, wise one." I saw a beam of light appear infront of me as I was laying on the ground. 

What? Who are you? I tried to say once more. And, of course, nothing came out.

"I know you can't speak. But, let me explain..." The voice was coming from the light.

I can't take this anymore...Help! I tried to say. You guessed it, no voice was heard.

"You have been trapped in the spell, Trance Magic. If you do not know what that is already, allow me to explain- Trance Magic is a spell where the wizard who had been cast on with the spell loses their powers after teleporting to many kinds of area's and finally, goes to The Beam where they cannot move or speak. Trance Magic is such a damaging spell that should be banned everywhere...I do not know who cast it upon you. But, you cannot escape The Beam."

I'm..under a the Trance Magic spell?!! WHY?, NO! AKIRA... HELP ME! I felt like screaming and crying, but I couldn't do a thing. My face is still and I can't move or speak...I'm only in my thoughts. Am I dreaming? Who would do such a cruel and terrible thing to me? Was it a Kingdom Pest? No, no.. What am I saying? Kingdom Pests wouldn't know such a spell! Is it fath- The King? What's "The Beam?" So many thoughts were running my mind as the light continued to speak.

"I want to help you. I want you to get out of this Trance and the spell...I can not do it alone, though. Since you can't move, it'll be even harder for me. Rin Yukino, was it? That's your name, right? Oh, wait, you can't speak. Sorry, sorry! I can't think right now! It's my first time becoming a full-fledged light! So, I don't know much about this...But, I do know that i'm supposed to help you get out of the this spell. I know a way, but, this can only work if you can hear me... Or are you dead? Wait, you can't be dead if you're under a trance. So you CAN hear me! Right? Aren't there so many thoughts running your mind? *silence* I take that as a yes. Sorry, I should be explaining everything and not talking about myself...Sorry! I am sure you can hear me, so let me start with the basics. Don't be freaked out. You may be really scared right now and confused, but it's okay, i'm getting you out of that spell one way or another. Stay tight! We're in The Beam. The Beam is a place where angels go and be put into sleep. Angels dream about happiness and sunshine to bring to the world that way. The Beam is also a place for people who are under the spell "Trance Magic."

Why can't you read my mind?! I tried my best to force it out this time. But my mouth only moved slightly. Though, no sound came out.

"I saw that! You're trying to say something... Sorry! I don't know what you're trying to say, since I can't read minds."

That answered my question. How strange.

"I will replace the spell Trance Magic, with the spell "Justice Trance" Justice Trance puts you in a trance where you keep dreaming until 365 days, and you get out of the trance. The dreams are of how your life would've been if you hadn't been under Trance Magic. You will dream of the life you couldn't live for 365 days, and be back. I'm not trying to rush things, but, are you ready?"

NO! IS THERE ANOTHER WAY?! AKIRA WILL BE WORRIED...Riven..O-Oh! AKISE! PLEASE HELP DON'T! The only thing that happened this time was tears.

The light spoke. " so sorry. I wish I could tell your friends, but it just doesn't work that way. I am so sorry. The spell will now begin, be ready."

I thought of all the things I could've been doing right now. Akira and Akise must be tired looking for me. I have to wait 365 days to get back to them...

I hate my life.

And so it began.

Stay tuned for more <: :>

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