Chapter 24: Normal--Nevermind

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IChapter 24: Normal--Nevermind

Rin's P.O.V

I hugged Riven, "I'm so sorry.."

"Don't be.." she smiled.

"I was really cruel to you." 

"N-No! You weren't. I was, I-" Aisaka came sprinting at the speed of infinity, and tackled me. "We missed you"

"O-Ow! I know i'm very popular around here but doesn't mean you have to go tackle me!"

She flicked my forehead, "You should be lucky i'm only tackling you."

Riven laughed, "Way to lighten the mood."

"I try," she smirked.

"So, what now?" asked Akira.

"We could all stay together, here, In Bonbon Hills. And do quests together, or missions!" Aisaka jumped with a bright smile.

"I'd love to do that, Aisa." Riven looked at her with kind eyes.

"I'm staying wherever Riven stays," he peeked over at her, just to see her blushing.

"U-Umm.." I looked around, meeting everyones eyes. "I have.. some other thing in mind."

"What is it?" they all asked in unison.

"I..need to do something before we all..well..get together."

"Do something? What would you need to possibly do right now?" Akira raised a brow.

"There's really nothing to do anymore," Yasuo sighed.

"I..I'll be back, okay?"

"Well, how long will you be gone?" asked Aisaka.

"Don't be gone too long!" Riven pouted.

"Few days I guess." 

Riven crossed her arms, "Will you tell us where you're going?"

I bit my lip nervously. "Well.." 


Tell them.

They wont approve.

They're asking.

But, what if they think i'm going crazy?

You're obviously not. Since when did you care what others thought?

I mentally sighed. "I'm going to save Akise." I declared.

Aisaka choked on air. "You what?" 

"You do know he's the one who caused this right?" Akira furrowed her eyebrows.


"He took Yasuo away from me!"


"He did all of this, and now it has come to a halt. Don't bring it back!" Yasuo clenched his fists.


"You're making a big mistake here."


"This is not the right choice, Rin."


They all stopped speaking. Or breathing. 

I cleared my throat. "He didn't cause all this."

"Then who did?" Akira exclaimed.


"The Soul Reaper?" Riven emphasized.

"Yes, him... He forced Akise into this, it's hard to explain but, he had no choice. Soul Reaper would kill him if he didn't complete his task."

Everyone become silent again. But, if I was in their position, I wouldn't know what to say either. I kinda understand, though.

" everyone fine with me going?"

I got a few shrugs and nods. In the end, I think that would just be a yes.

"Jee, thank's guys."

"What's with you and sarcasm, seriously." Akira laughed.

"I thought you'd be used to it by now."

"I think I am, that just came to mind."

"Yeah, whatever."

"So, you're going right now?" asked Riven.

"If that's fine with you.."

"Then i'm coming with you." Akira insisted.

I chuckled, "Why not stay with the others? I could put your life in danger by coming with me."

"I want to stay by your side, Rin. Like I did when you brought me here," she smiled.

I smiled back, "Wow, you can be nice sometimes."

"Sometimes?" she glared.

"All the time," I smirked.

"That's it."

Akise's P.O.V

I walked through the dark cavern, heading towards Beyond The Mythical Souls, Soul Reapers lair.

"Akise, my son..I've been waiting for you," he said nonchalantly


"I think we have something to talk about, don't we, my precious son?"

We do.

I wonder about what?

My soon death?

I'll miss you, Rin. 

I gazed at the ground steadily.

"Come up here," he gestured to his rock throne.

"Why? So you can kill me?" I muttered coldly.

"I said, come up here." he insisted slowly.

I went up to him, knowing there is no way out of this.

Go ahead. Kill me. Use those powers you've been hiding for almost your whole life.

I glared at him, "Go on."

He laughed and wiped an invisible tear, "Oh, you really are my son.." 

"Not for long, anyway."

I forced a smile.

"I know."

"I think I'll spare your life for now, just for now, though. You haven't been a good boy lately, so I have to punish you. There's no fun in killing you right away, am I right?"

"Yes, sir."

"Don't call me sir, boy." he struck me with lightning.

"Ju-st what have been hiding?"

He gave a mocking smile, "None of your business."

"Is it?" I glared at him.

He struck me again.

"Yes, it's not. Now, go. Tame the rest of them."

I looked down.

Don't have to tell me twice.

I headed to the cellar. Or so it's called that.

More like a storage room for innocent souls.

This man is planning terrible things...



I'm sorry.


There, I updated. It's short because I haven't updated in long since I didn't get the time. I'm sorry v.v <3 I'll update sooner next time c:

Beyond The Mythical SoulsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora