Chapter 22: Deeper Into The Forest

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Chapter 22: Deeper Into The Forest

My back was hurting really bad and it seems like I woke up from a real bad dream.

"Mmm, Akira? Riven? Aisaka? Akis- YOU!" I interrupted myself as I looked at the guy in my dream.

I'm sure this means that all of what happened wasn't a dream.

He chuckled. "Glad you woke up! Looks like you're also friends with Riven." 

"O-Of course I am! Idiot!" I pouted as my cheeks got red.

He smiled. "Alright. I'm Yasuo." His hand reached out to connect with mine.

I grabbed it and he supported me as I pulled myself up.


I opened my mouth to say something but closed it again. I was going to ask him if all that really happened. But, if it didn't, i'll just seem like a freak trying to get attention.

He seemed to have noticed.

"You're probably wondering what's happening right now. Well, first of all, no. You weren't dreaming and everything that you saw before you passed out was real."

It was like he read my mind, other than that, I was quite confused about how all of this happened.

I had many questions but I started off with one. "I came back early from my trance, too, didn't I? I'd like to ask why this happened."

Yasuo's eyes widened. "So that's really how it works.." 

It seemed that he was thinking about something. Like puzzle pieces had been all connected in his head.

"I get it now, thanks Riv- Rin." He was about to say something else before he interrupted himself.

My head tilted slightly. "You're..welcome.." I mumbled

Well, that didn't answer my question.

"We should get going. I'm sure after all thats happened, you want to find your friends."

I nodded, looking at him straight in the eye. "They're precious to me."

He smiled.

My gaze turned to him. "What?" 

"It's nothing, we're just kinda similar...makes me feel a bit lighthearted." His smile got wider.

"You're friends with Riven, right?" I ignored what he said.


"And you also came back from the trance in less than 365 days?"

He bobbed his head. "I was possessed though. and lived with Yosun. When my soul met Riven, it was after a year though. So she thinks I came back after 365 days."

"So we both had the same problem, huh?"

"Guess so."

He started walking north. 

I asked him where we were going.

"Oh!" He pointed his index finger upward as if he remembered something.

"Do you know any sort of tracking spell?"

"I do, actually, I know a lot. But they take a lot of work to cast. So, I have my own assassin way to find someone." I uttered.

"Hmm? And that is?" He asked.

I smirked. "Follow me."

I slouched a bit and looked around. My eyes and sense of smell were very strong. I can track anyone if I try hard enough. It's called an assassins blessing.

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