Chapter 21: Souls of Different Colors

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Chapter 21: Souls of Different Colors

Yasuo's P.O.V

The things I could've said to Riven when I finally saw her after so long that I can't even remember..I wanted to say so many things to her.. 'How is it in the kingdom?' or tell her the cheesy jokes I used to. And, especially, tell her how much I missed her. I wonder what's going on right now? I can't see a thing. The soul that is controlling me seems to be sleeping. So many years wasted doing nothing. It's like you're trapped in a box, can't get out, and somebody tells your friends, your family, that you passed away. That's how I feel right now, and I can imagine the feeling because I have nothing better to do than make images of things in my mind. I'm what you could call bored out of my mind, and I can't do anything about that. I'm not even alive. I'm like a ghost looking at somebody elses life and how they're living it. And it feels that it'll stay this way forever.

I could finally see again without trouble. I move up and it seems i'm going to Yosun.

"Hello, Yosun." Deceiver says.

I call my other soul 'Deceiver' because he seems to be somebody who deceives people. 

"Oh hello, Yasuo." Yosun replies.

He smiles. 

"I have the potion for the real Yasuo. It's to get him back controlling his soul and you'll be free." 

"I don't want to be free. I like living with you! You're a father to me and this Yasuo guy can't possibly have many memories here since he has pretty much lost everything. I don't want to go back..." Deceiver says.

Yosun shakes his head. "You're really wrong about no memories. I know he has memories, it's with his friends and family. And, you're taking over his soul like it's yours. That's not right, and I will do what's right." 

Too  bad I can't say anything. I don't want this soul to get his way. And I will force myself out, even if it's for a short amount of time. 

My eyes widen. "Yosun.."


"Yes, it's me.. I forced my soul out. I..don't want my controller to get his way. This is my body." 

Yosun smiled "P-perfect! Yasuo, to make this potion work, you. Your soul has to drink this. I'm happy you forced yourself out." 

I looked down. "Let's hurry up, now, I don't want him to come back."

"Alright, then, drink this." He handed me a bottle.

"ah.. don't drink all of it!"

I  drank a sip.

"" I started getting dizzy. Is it already working?

"Is it working?! That was fast!" He looked excited and rubbed his hands together.


What's..that voice in my head? uwaaaaagh..

"KUkwauakuwaahhhh kuwahhh!!! KUWAHHHH!!!" I felt like there was something getting out of me...wait ... it can't be... Deciever?

Goodbye Yasuo, i'm not happy to be freed but i'm not sad either,'said a voice in my head.

I then blacked out.


Rin's P.O.V

Where.. am I? I think i'm lost. Where's Mayu? 

"MAYUUUUUU!" "MAYYYYYYUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" The name came out of my mouth without even me saying it. Probably someone else.

No...Why can't I speak? Is this somebody else controlling my body?! I just want to go home..I was in the trance for only two weeks! That light thing said 365 days! Why.. is this happening to me?

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