16. Unpleasantville ll

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🎶So there isn't any lyrics to this song
But I was listening to this while writing
And it still fits the chapter perfectly
So still listen to it🎶

🎶Empathy by Alicks🎶


Damon noticed my discomfort and reached out for me, but I took a step sideways.

Damon snapped his eyes off of me to the person behind me. "Yeah, we're fine." Tears threatened to slip out of my eyes, but I tried my best to hold them back.

The person behind me took a step forward as if to warn Damon. "I wasn't talking to you." Hearing the voice again made me start to shake a little.

"Emily, are you alright?" I heard Damon ask, but everything I heard was muffled, and everything I saw was blurred. I let a quiet sob out that only Damon could hear before I ran out of the Grill.

I ran away to the back. Once I was free from peering eyes, I collapsed to the ground and I tried to control myself. I heard the crunch of gravel, but I only kept my head down already knowing who it was.

Damon kneeled down next to me and didn't say anything. He only pulled me into a hug. His strong arms engulfed me and I broke. I cried and cried into his shoulder, probably staining it. But he didn't seem to mind. He only stroked my hair which was a mess, and kept me in a tight embrace.

I don't remember when I stopped crying, but I do faintly remember his warm arms picking me up while I nuzzled my head into his shoulder. 

I also don't remember how I got into my bed, but, again, faintly I remember the smooth touch of lips pressing down on my forehead.

However, I do remember waking up. I felt odd, mainly because I haven't cried myself to sleep since the beginning of the summer I left.

I rubbed my hand over my face slowly getting up to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw makeup all over face from the tears. I got a face wash wipe and began to clean it off.

I thought of what had happened. I didn't even need to turn around to know who it was. The voice was already stuck in my head. It probably would be forever. It was Ben. Otherwise known as my attacker. I started to reapply my makeup.

My phone began to ring and I slumped back into my room. "Hello," I croaked out.

"Hello, Emily," answered a rough voice.

I put my phone on speaker as I began to apply my eyeliner. "Hey, who's this?"

"You hit me with your car." Surprised, I jerked my hand and the eyeliner made a dark streak near my temple.

"Shit," I mumbled looking for a cotton swab.

Before I found one the man spoke up again, "Is that a new one?" I froze. Lately I had convinced Jenna to share her car with me. She was reluctant at first, but guilt overcame her and she complied.

I ran to my window, almost tripping over my own feet, and I looked out to the front yard. It was empty. Nothing alive except a squirrel climbing up a tree. "What?" I breathed waking over to the door of my bedroom.

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