chapter 7

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(👆I miss those episodes.....memories😢👆)

"That was fun" you told mikey as you guys went to the couch to play some games.
Then he turned to you.

He looked serious.
"What's up?"
"Do you like raph?"
The question.
Leo. Mikey.
You thought for a minute then thought you should tell him and Leo.
"Earth to (Y/N) " he said waving his hand in front of your face.
"Mikey...."You began.

"I think I do" you finally said. You smiled.
"You do like raph?"He asked making sure.
You blushed and noded.
"Ya" you said.
He smiled.
You zoned out and were thinking of Raph.
You smiled even more.
"Why do you ask?" You finally said
"No reason"he said
"Promise you won't tell mikey"
"I croos my heart and swear on my pizzas grave"He said smiling.

"I knew it" Leo said walking to you guys.
"Leo!..h-ow long have you b-been standing there?"You said awkwardly.
He smiled at you and winked.
"You can't tell leo!" You yelled.
"Ok ok geez calm down."
You felt yourself blush hard.
You put your face in your hands to hide the blush.
When you looked up they were both smiling at you.

You sighed.
"What do you guys wanna do?" You said changing the subject.
"Movie night!"mikey exlaimed.
"Ooo and you can sleep here" Leo said smiling at you devilishly.
You rolled your eyes and said,
"I'll text my aunt and ask if it's ok"
"Ok" Leo said.
"I'll go tell raph and don" Mikey said running to go spread the word.

You got out your phone and texted your aunt.

You: it ok if I stay over at a friend's house. I need something to get my mind off of.

-5 minutes later

Aunt:promise you'll be safe
Aunt:Ok just be careful

You put your phone away.

"Well..."Mikey asked.
"She said yes"
"So what movie are we watching?"
"The Ouija board"
You got chills.
Ever since you watched that movie you had nightmares.
"Oh...ok" You said a little scared.
"Is that ok?" Leo asked.
"Ummm...ya"you said. You didn't want anyone to know how afraid you were of scary movies.
"Mind helping me get snacks?" Leo asked you.
You went to the kitchen and started making some popcorn.
While it heated you got a bowl out and saw Leo had different types of candies.
Once it was ready you put it in the bowl and went to the living room where Mikey was. Leo followed and you both set the bowls down.
"Mikey can you set the movie up?"Leo asked.
"Ok"He replied.
"I'm going to go call the guys"Leo said.
"I'll call Donnie" you offered.
You went to the lab and knocked.
"Come in"
You walked inside.
"I just wanted to tell you the movie is starting."You said as you looked around.
He had a lot of cool gadgets and inventions.
"Ok I'll be over in a little"
You walked out.
"(Y/N)  Raph doesn't want to come" Leo said.
You put on a sad face.
"I'll go try and get him"You said as you went to his room.
You knocked.
"Go away leo!"
"Rude" you replied.
He opened the door as soon as he heard your voice.
"Oh hey"
"Come watch the movie"
"Not in the mood"
"Please raph...ill let you sit next to me"You said with a pleading face.
He stared at you and smiled a little bit. You smiled.
"Ok"He finally said. He knew you wouldn't take no for an answer.
You both went to the couch and sat next to each other.
Leo and Donnie sat in the bean bag and Mikey was on the floor.
You saw Leo looking at you and he winked at you.
You rolled your eyes.
You mouthed 'stop' and he turned smiling.
"Ok it's starting" Mikey said.
The bowl of popcorn was at the little table that they had in the middle of everyone.
You got up and got the bowl and sat a little farther from raph.
The movie was already to the part where they were in the basement. You knew what was coming next. You got closer to raph. Little by little.
Soon you were at his side.
"You ok?"He asked. You jumped. It scared you. You looked at him
"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." He said.
"I'm ok....its just I hate this part....i hate this movie actually it always scares me and gives me nightmares" you admitted.
You felt his arms snake around your waist. He pulled you closer to him.
Then he whispered, "It's ok"
It gave you chills.

You watched the movie and didn't really get scared but at the end....the girl was on the roof running..kinda to you..and you did the most embarrassing thing.

You screamed.

You hid your face against raph.
Everyone looked at you.
You were red of how embarrassed you were.
"Well it's over"Donnie said
"We should head to bed. It's already 1 am"Leo stated.
Everyone got up.
Then looked at you.
You knew what they were thinking.
'Who are you going to sleep with?'
"Raph" you said
Everyone nodded and went to there rooms. You swear you saw Leo smirk and wink at you.
"Why me?"Raph asked when you two were alone.
"Fine I'll go with Leo"
"No. I'm just asking"
You looked at him and smiled.
"I feel safe and something I can't explain...when I'm with you" you said blushing.
You looked at him and saw he was lightly red as well.
"Oh" he finally said.
"Let's go"
You noded and you both went to the room.
You were both facing each other  when you were under the covers and cozy.
"Raph?"you said quietly
"Hmm"he replied
"Can you hug me again like last time?"
"Sure"he said as he wrapped you in his arms.
"Thanks" you said.
Then you tried going to sleep.
You already heard raph snoring a little bit.
'Hes asleep' you thought

You smiled.
You didn't even have a nightmare about the movie. You wernt even scared.
'I wonder why' you thought as you looked at raph. He was peacefully asleep. You smiled more
Soon you tagged along.
You were asleep.

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