chapter 28

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I was scared it might be a trap but I went twords the crying. He or she was in an alley alone. Maybe lost. I head down and go closer to the noise. I see it's a little girl. She looks about 8 years old or so. I was thinking of comforting her and if I do where do I take her? What do I do? Do I call the cops?
She stops crying and looks up at me.
"Hey can you help me"
I guess she saw me cuz I wasn't really hiding at this point.
I walk close to her but keep my distance.
"Whats wrong?" I ask.
"There were these people chasing me and I came here to hide"
"Who was chasing you?"
"I don't know but parents...can you help me I'm scared, I don't know where to go"
I realized what these people had done and now she's an orphan.
"What's your name?"
"Well Alex how about you come to where I'm staying for the night"
"Your going to protect me?!"
"For tonight yes"
"Oh thank you so much!"
I took her back to my place and I had to explain to Kai what had happened. It wasn't hard convincing him to let her stay.
"First thing in the morning we have to turn her in. Neither of us can afford to raise a child" Kai said.
I looked into the little girls red and teary eyes and felt sorry for her.
"Hey Alex are u tired? Hugry?" I asked.
"I'm very hungry"
"What would u like to eat?"
"I'm not picky"
"Well how about me and you go out and buy u some fresh clothes and food"
"Oh yes please thank you"

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