chapter 14

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"Sorry" leo said
You stayed quiet. You were thinking about what just happened. There dead. The only people left in your family. Dead.
Everyone was trying to comfort you. You were sitting on the couch huging your knees. You quietly started crying and you could hear everyone stop talking. They all looked at you. You looked at them and smiled. They all smiled back.
You wanted to burst out crying and yelling. But you kept it inside and covered it all with a smile. Like always. Hide it with a smile.
Leo got up and went to the kitchen and Mikey followed him. You wanted to tell them to stay. Donnie left to his lab. There leaving you. Only raph was left. He wouldnt leave. He'll never leave you. He loves you. But you still wanted everyone back. "Are you ok?" He asked with a worried face. You wanted to talk about it with everyone. I wanted to yell it,scream it,shout it. But all I could say was "I'm fine."
You looked at him and have him a smile. But it's not true. Sometimes when I say "I'm okay" I want someone to look at me in the eyes. Hug me tight and say "I know your not" but nothing and no one came. You looked at raph and he looked at you in the eyes. You smiled and let out a,fake, giggle. He looked at you confused but then smiled. "I'm ganna ganna be late for work" you said.
"You still work? I forgot"raph said.
You got up and he did as well.
"I'll be back later" you said.
You started walking to the exit when you were pulled back. You turned and met eyes with raph.
"What no kiss?" He joked.
You rolled your eyes playfully and gave him a quick peck and left before he could complain more.
You were walking to mr.m and as you were walking you were humming your favorite song and all of a sudden..."look out!"
You turned and before you knew it. WHAM! you were on the floor. You groaned in pain then looked at who knocked you down.
"Oh umm..sorry"he said. You sat up and looked at him. He had blue eyes and dark black hair that just fell over his eyes. He was attractive in some way.
"It's fine"you replied as he got up. He looked down at you and smiled. Then he got his skateboard and helped you up.
"So umm where u heading?"
"Wow u work at such a young old are you?"
"Old enough but I'm still under 17"
"Oh ok well I'm names kai"
"Cool name. I'm (Y/N)"
"Pretty name..umm maybe we can see each other again sometime" he said as he fumbled in his pocket then got out a pen and paper and started writing something. He gave you the paper and you took it.
You looked at it and it had his number on it.

Call me so we can chat xoxo'

You gave him a smile and then said,"I'm going to be late for work"
Then you ran off without letting him respond. As you ran you thought 'how would raph react'

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