Jeremy X Reader

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Requested by @MusicalFandomLover
This sucks and I'm sorry.
It's mostly vanilla, and more centered around the plot. I promise I'll get to your guys request, but I want to make it as best as it can be so I might take a hot minute.

Jeremy and Y/N despised each other. Ever since Jeremy accidentally spilled coke on Y/N's middle school project for art, it's been war. Funny thing is, Jermey didn't actually despise Y/N, he liked her. In fact he liked her so much he thought of her when he- never mind.

      The only reason he accidentally spilled coke on Y/N's wonderful art project, was because Rich had tripped him just to be a butthole. He has tried multiple times to apologize, but Y/N would never listen to what he had to say.

      Now it's Valentine's Day, and neither had a significant other to smother in love. All throughout the school, couples gave each other chocolates, flowers, teddy bears, and cards.

      He'd bought Y/N a small fluffy pink teddy bear with a pink ribbon around the neck that smelled of fresh strawberries. He was nervous to give it to her because she practically hated his guts.

      Michael wasn't there to help him through the tough situation. He was too busy getting stoned in his basement. Jeremy squeezed the bear as he trudged into the lunch room.

      It smelled of stale pizza and cat piss, with a touch of old corn. Nice. He slumped into a seat and hugged the bear thinking of Y/N. Soon he saw the junior strut in with her friend Veronica.

      Y/N wore a loose (favorite color) sweater and blue jeans with (any color) converse. She looked as beautiful and stunning as always. Her head bobbed as she listened to her music.

      She sat down at the table next to his and opened her lunch bag. Her dad had packed her a lunch that consisted of a heart shaped peanut butter and jelly, a red velvet cookie, an apple, and water. She happily grinned as she tapped her foot and took a small bite of her red apple.

      Jeremy looked down at the pink bear and took a shaky breath. He moved from his seat and started making his way over to Y/N. She didn't seem to notice him walking over to her. He tapped on her shoulder and hid the bear behind his back as Veronica smirked.

      "What do you want, doofus?" She said, apple in hand.

       "I wanted to give you something to say sorry for ruining your art project, and happy Valentine's Day." Jeremy pulled out the pink bear and watched Y/N's face light up. She gently took the bear from Jeremy and hugged it.

      "Thank you, Jeremy! That's very considerate of you." Jeremy nodded and walked away with a proud grin on his face.

      "Should I give something to Jeremy back?" Y/N asked her friend Veronica.

      "Totally! And I know the perfect gift to give him!" Veronica exclaimed with an awful look on her face.

      "What is it?" Y/N asked.

      "Bang him." Veronica said, watching Y/N blush madly.

      "Ronnie! I-I-I guess that's not a bad right back.." Y/N sashayed over to Jeremy and leaned down to whisper in his ear.

      "Meet outside after school." His Adam's apple bobbed as he turned a bright shade of pink. He watched as Y/N sat back down with Veronica holding the bear softly in her lap.

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