Jared X Reader

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      "Okay so what if when you and Zoe have sex, you take butter and like, eat it off her breasts." Jared said, sitting down in the blue beanbag.

      "Umm, how about no! That's freaking gross!" You shot out, gagging at the thought of it.

      "Oh come on! It'll be kinky!" Jared exclaimed, a large smiling spreading across his face.

      "No Jared, hot butter isn't kinky."

"Anything is kinky if you believe"

"No it isn't"

"Yes it is"

"No it isn't"

"Yes it is"

"I'm not arguing about this anymore." You made him leave, telling him to stop being a pervert.

"How about I buy some butter and we'll try-"

"LEAVE Jared" You stressed the words getting flustered.

"I'll be back later with some butter."

Sorry I don't know what this is

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