"Writing" and shit

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      "I'm so fucking done with your bullshit!" Y/N yelled, looking at her uterus. She was balled over, shaking in pain.

      She forced herself out of bed to take an ibuprofen, praying to Zeus that it would work. Connor heard the string of mumbled curses as his girlfriend hobbled over to the kitchen, snatching their white medicine bag.

      He peaked his head from the living room to the kitchen. He saw her hunched over figure fill her cup with tap water, and placing two oval pills on the table.

      Soon he found himself looking for a heating pad in the spare closet, successfully finding one. He plugged it in his bedroom, wandering back into the kitchen to make peppermint tea for her. She was drinking the water as Connor made the tea.

     "Hey Y/N, I set up a heating pad in my room, and as you can see, made you some tea. Are you up for snuggles?" Connor asked, putting his hand out so Y/N could reach for the tea.

      "Oh God, yes Connor!" Y/N took the tea, taking one long, careful drink before heading upstairs to Connor's room. He quickly went back into her room, grabbing Mr.Honeynuts, her favorite stuffed bear.

      She was sprawled out on the heating pad, tea already gone, and was fast asleep as Connor tucked her in with Mr.Honeynuts.

      He kissed her on the forehead, saying "Goodnight Y/N, I love you."

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