thats gay (ouat felix)

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Felix from ouat can hit me up like h mmm
Males perspective, probs not edited cuz I'm lazy

      Peter Pan had a plan.

      Find a guy for Felix. He knew Felix was gay, and had known for an extremely long time. Felix hadn't told him yet, but Pan knew...he knew everything.

      He heard one particular boy call out for him, pleading to be taken away from his family. Pan had learned tons about this boy. He was perfect for Felix, and tonight was the night Peter would pick him up.

He let his shadow loose, letting the darkness take the boy's hand, flying him across the night sky, all the way to Neverland.

     His name was y/n. He was gay, just like Felix. He was attractive. And, he willingly went to Neverland.

      He finally landed, confused, yet happy. He walked to the group of boys, who were semi excited to meet him.

      A tall boy sauntered over, extending a calloused hand.

      "Felix. What's your name."

"Um, it's y/n..." he said nervously, noticing the other boys quite obvious handsomeness. He took Felix's hand. Compared to his, y/n's hands felt soft and squishy.

Both boys had an immediate interest.

Now all Pan had to do was wait. Wait for his plan to fall into place.

I'm trying to get back into the swing of writing. Sorry it's short.

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