Lafayette X Reader

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Hope you enjoy!!
Word Count: 1762

Lafayette kissed y/n goodbye, letting his lips linger in her lips for longer then they should've been. This might be the last kiss he would ever share with y/n. He didn't want to leave her, he really didn't. But Alexander needed him. He needed to fight in the war, alongside the other soldiers.

"I love you y/n, don't you ever forget that okay?"

"I love you too, Lafayette. Stay safe for me, my one and only."


That was months ago. y/n hadn't seen Lafayette in what felt like ages. She missed his sweet embrace, the loving way they spent tangled up in bed, the secret kisses they shared. No one else knew about their relationship. Which was for the best. She didn't want hell to be tossed upon her once his friends found out. From what she heard, they were a very aggressive bunch, and they didn't know how his friends would respond to the relationship. So they both mutually agreed to keep it hidden.

She sighed, afraid and alone as she walked down the dusty street. All around her was poverty, people begging for food and money. Most people were signing up to join the war, just to get what little rations of food came. Some joined to make a difference, to help out. And others were forced by pressure to join.

   Men were on the side of the street, encouraging people to sign up. y/n thought about it for a second, and an idea hit her.

      "If I signed up...I could possibly get the chance to see Lafayette again..." Although there were more cons then pros, you did it anyways. The chance to see even a glimpse of your partner made you heart flutter against your chest.

      The men didn't seem to care you were female as you signed up, which wasn't odd. Even though they weren't supposed to let females sign up, the war needed more soldiers. And in desperate times, comes for desperate needs.

      You followed the men as they walked to the camping grounds of all the other soldiers. They shoved uniforms at you. You quickly changed into, but sudden you felt a yank on your arm.

      A man with black curly hair said "Excuse me Ms, but you'll need to have this-" he pulled up what seemed to look like a corset. "It hides your breasts, so the other men won't know." You give him a kind smile.

      "Why thank you sir." You replied. Somehow you maneuver your body into the soul sucking, body crushing corset. You wiped the sweat dripping from your forehead, catching your breath. That corset was from the devil, you swore.

Soon all the new recruits were called to stand in a line. A quick thought surged through your head.

"Only a few hours ago I was roaming the streets. Now I'm a soldier. Boy do I make dumb choices sometimes."

"Alright folks, we are going to assign you to your tent. No changing, nor complaining."

"Alright. Jay O'Charley go to that tent-" the man said, pointing to a tent. The list went on and on. It seemed like the damned thing would never end. Finally, the man called out your name.

"y/f/n, y/l/n, I'll show you to yours. It's across camp grounds." He said sternly, turning around and walking through the muddied grass. A breeze hit your chapped lips, as you pitifully licked them to try and make them feel less chapped. Once you realized you were making it worse, you stopped.

You never wondered how cold it was, and rainy. Clouds hung low, making it foggy. The man stopped at a tent.

"Here is your tent." He said, leaving without a goodbye.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 12, 2018 ⏰

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