Chloe X Reader (did you eat my fries?)

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Credit to: TerribleAtFanfics  for the idea
I've been having writers block recently and I'm doing these little prompts to help me get back into the swing of things

Chloe had gone to the bathroom, now was your chance to finally do what you'd been wanting to do since she had gotten here. Eat her fries.

You reach your hand to the container, smelling the salty aroma of fresh French fries. You quickly snatched one, shoving it in your mouth, looking back to see if Chloe was coming. She wasn't.

      Soon you'd eaten the entire batch, salt and grease covering your fingers. Guilt bubbled in your stomach as you watched Chloe come back to the table.

She looked down at her food, then to you, then back down to her food.

"Did you eat my fries?" She asked, a knowing look on her face. You smile weakly up at her, doing awkward finger guns.

      "Only like, one fry." Chloe looked at you, deadpanned.

      "Whatever, I didn't want them anyways." She said sitting back down, a small smile forming on her face.

      "I guess I should tell you that I was the one who ate all of your chocolate stash." She said.


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