Hush, Hush, Sweet Child

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Patricia, KT, and Eddie flashed inside the attic. They heard crying. "She's still here?!" Patricia ran over to where her crib was. She saw a shield over it.

"She used her shield so they wouldn't take her." KT stated. "Smart girl. I'm so sorry we left you, sweetheart." Eddie kissed Mia's forehead. Patricia opened her shirt. "What are you doing?" KT immediately looked away. "We've been gone for four days, KT. She's hungry."

Mia started eating. "How is she still alive?" Eddie wondered. "Babies can go  at least six days without feeding, apparently." KT responded.

The three went downstairs to get some baby food. "The FBI obviously trashed the place."

"It would just be nice to know what they had on us." Eddie said. "I know." Patricia added.


Nina sat in her chair, silent. Osiris was also quiet. "Nina, I can sense your anger. Please calm down." Nina didn't. She remained angry. "You didn't even let me hold him."

"I will not apologize. It is the rules of the Duat." Osiris responded. Nina got up from her chair and left. "And where are you going?"

"None of your business."


Everyone was chilling out in the living room. Then, they heard a baby's cry. 'Fabian' entered the room, nervous. Would they know that he wasn't Fabian? "Hey guys." He tried his best Fabian. "What's going on?" He wondered. God, he hated the Sibunas. But, he wanted revenge, so...

"Don't you hear that?" Mara wondered.

'Fabian' nodded. Alfie was rocking back and forth and his eyes were closed tightly. "Alfie, what are you doing?" Amber asked.

"Nothing good ever happens when you hear a baby crying. And there's no baby in your home!" Amber grabbed him by the arm and made him stand up. "Get up you big baby."

Alfie rolled his eyes at her comment. They hadn't talked until now. Since their argument. "Is something wrong?" 'Fabian' inquired. "Peachy." Amber answered.

"Guys! We don't have time for relationship drama!" Joy yelled at them. Amber rolled her eyes at Alfie and went on to stand next to Joy and Jerome. As did Alfie and 'Fabian'. "Okay, lets just open the door. It's just a baby. Maybe KT, Patricia, and Eddie are back with Mia." Alfie suggested. They slowly stepped towards the door.

"Alfie, they've literally been gone for five minutes." Joy responded. "Oh, for Pete's sake!" Jerome huffed. He opened the door. It was what they thought it was. A baby. It was in a blue blanket in a wooden baby carrier.

"Well. This most definitely is not mine so I'm guessing..." Jerome picked up the baby carrier and gave it to 'Fabian'. "You think it's mine?"

"Other than Eddie, you're the only other person who impregnated someone."

Thanks to the ghost possessing Fabian, it also gave him the ability to know things Fabian already knew. " Nina was only a couple months pregnant." 'Fabian' shrugged.

"Who knows what goes down in the Duat? Time probably moves faster down there for them." Even though the ghost knew it didn't, he agreed. "Yeah. Probably."

'Fabian' held the baby. "What am I supposed to do with it?" Amber frowned. "Be its father?"

He nodded. He took the baby to the bathroom. 'Fabian' rocked him back and forth. The baby giggled. "You have your mother's eyes." He smiled. "I think I'll call you...Robert. It's what Nina would want."

'Fabian' went back inside the living room and put Robert back inside the baby carrier. " close are we to getting Nina out of the Duat?"

Joy pulled out the book her and Jerome found yesterday. "It's titled 'The Duat'. We thought that it might help."

"Fabian, since you're the nerdiest of us bunch--you want to do the honors?" Jerome asked.

'Fabian' did not like to read.

"Uh...guys you know I would love to but...I have Robert now. He's my main priority and it's what Nina would want. I'm sorry." He responded.

Joy slapped her forehead. "Ugh, you're right Fabian. You have a baby to take care of. Jerome and I will try to find something." Jerome groaned.

Joy punched him and sat him on a sleeping bag. They opened it.


Nina walked throughout the Duat, a little bit too close to the edge of the sea of miserable ghosts.

Someone grabbed her ankle. Nina screamed, and jumped back.

Nina gasped for air, before sitting down on the ground, and just let out tears. "I can't believe this." She choked.

"I shouldn't be here."

As Patricia and Eddie cared to their child, KT suddenly got an idea.

"Hey..." Eddie looked up. "What is it, KT?"

"You know how earlier you said that it would be nice to know what the police had on you?" KT repeated. Patricia and Eddie nodded. "I'm conveniently a cop." KT pulled out her badge. "I take it everywhere."

"So we've established your job and the fact the you take your badge everywhere. What's your point, KT?" Patricia wondered.

"My point is I can get in there for you guys. Say that Pennsylvania sent me here on account of a fugitive who was last seen here. In Liverpool."

"Making up a fake crime is illegal." Eddie stated. "Like what we do on a daily basis isn't illegal." KT responded.

"'ve already done so much..." Eddie trailed off.

"And I wanna do more. Let me do this for you guys." KT pleaded.

Sorry it took so long to update!

Will KT go through with her plan?

Will Fabian/the ghost be able to take care of Robert? (Unless I already revealed the ghost to you...which I would not be able to remember)

How much longer until Nina breaks down?


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