How the Chosen One Has Fallen, Pt. 1

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Eddie slowly woke up. He groaned because of the pain. He had a searing headache and his ears were ringing. He had a mattress on top of him and he moved it. He slowly sat up, coughing.

He looked around. Anubis House was completely destroyed. "Patricia..." Eddie got up and looked around. He saw an arm that he immediately knew belonged to Patricia. She was buried under a bed.

"Yacker!" He tried to move it, but the bed was too heavy. Eddie breathed heavily, until he backed up and used his powers to blast the bed away. He kneeled down next to her.

"Patricia?" She wouldn't wake up. He put her head in his lap. "Patricia..." Eddie burst into tears. He knew she was gone. The bed had crushed her to death.

"Eddie?" Eddie looked up and saw KT. She had been crying too. "I'm almost afraid to ask." He sniffled as he hugged Patricia's lifeless body towards him.

"Oh, Eddie..."

"Who else?"

"'s uh..." KT stumbled on her words. "I found Fabian...and..and Amber." KT cried. "They weren't breathing."

Eddie cried even more. The love of his life and two of his best friends...dead.

He heard something moving around. "Um...KT, can you hold her?" She nodded and placed Patricia's head in her lap.

Eddie went on to find out where the sound came from. He saw something buried underneath wood move, so he moved it.

It was Nina.

Eddie didn't feel relieved. Or glad. He felt angry.

Eddie got on top of Nina and choked her. Nina immediately woke up and clasped her hands around his.

"How could you?! You killed my wife! It's your fault she's dead! I'm going to kill you!" Eddie screamed. Nina got the strength to blast Eddie away.

They both stood up weakly. "I didn't kill her, Ed. The house did. Aren't you glad I destroyed it now?" Nina coughed and turned around. "Liam?!"

"Eddie?!" Eddie ran over to KT's voice, where he found KT standing over Joy, who had Jerome in her hands.

"The burned him to death..." Joy sobbed. "He was the love of my life."

Eddie found himself trying to refrain from crying. He knew Joy's pain. "Hey..." Alfie appeared behind them. His face was red. "I'm guessing..."

Alfie nodded. He looked over and looked like he was about to cry even more. "No, no, no, no..." Alfie dropped to the ground. "Not him too..."

Joy sniffled and got herself together. "We can get them back, right? I mean...this is Sibuna. Nobody ever stays dead for long."

Eddie nodded. "We'll make sure of it." Suddenly, Eddie heard something in the distance. Sirens. "We have to go."

"I'm not leaving him here." Joy declared. "Joy, we'll get them back. Right now we don't have a choice. We have to go." They all ran away.


Nina walked to the place where Fabian had freed her. She saw her dagger, where she had stabbed in the ground to keep the Underworld portal from closing up.

Nina bent down and held it. She closed her eyes and chanted. She opened them and removed the dagger from the ground. The portal opened up, and souls flew through.

Chris popped up. "You really did do it." Chris smirked, as he slid his hand around Nina's waist. Nina looked at his hand and silently groaned. Ugh...She thought.

She'd almost forgotten about their deal.

She immediately moved his hand away and walked forward to look at the souls floating around. "This is my step towards world domination. Soon, everyone will feel my despair. My pain. And I'll have my revenge on everything that has wronged me."

"How is it the world's fault that—"

"Chris. I have saved the world multiple times. Couple of those times has led me to lose my body, actually die, and be separated from those idiots. I blame the world for making me this way." Nina walked off, and Chris followed, uncertain about Nina's plans.

"Let's get started."


Eddie opened the door to his home. He walked inside, and everyone else followed. He went to the fireplace, got a picture of Patricia, and sat down. "We were supposed to spend the rest of our lives here."

"You and Patricia?" KT asked. Eddie nodded. "After everything was over, we were going to move out of the House. Start the new chapter of lives. Maybe get a pet. But now..."

"Time travel." Joy stated as she sat up. "Time travel." She repeated.

"Joy, this isn't a sci-fi show..." Alfie told her. "No, it's not. But maybe...Iah. He was the Egyptian God of Time. Maybe he has something that can help us go back in time and stop Nina and Eddie from fighting and blowing up the house."

"That buys us time to not only save our friends, but save Nina too." KT chimed in. "Good plan. One little hole.  Where are we supposed to get one of Iah's artifacts?!"

"With a little help...from me." Chris walked in the house.

PART 1 is over!

What is Chris doing there?


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