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The average person has 36 thousand kisses in a lifetime. Many with different people and many with the same person. It is also a fact that there is a perfect person out there for you; on the average you never meet them, but imagine if you did? Wouldn't life be so much more enjoyable. When you wake up in the morning and imagine your life don't you image something perfect, like the perfect white picket fence, and the perfect dog/cat, and the perfect house, with the perfect spouse and children. But life isn't that easy, it's like a manic rollercoaster that's hinges come off mid ride and you have to deal with the consequences. But life is precious and every once in a while when everything seems so low and so out of place something amazing happens, it can be something stupid like a free meal at Chucky cheese, of something incredible like finally getting pregnant after trying for years.
And this is where the story begins. A beautiful love story that will be told in history when our kids have kids.

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