Morning after

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I knew when I went to sleep I was going to regret all the drinks I had drunk, but I didn't think I was going to regret it this much, my head was banging and I was so tired I was finding it hard to fully form sentences, I didn't want to make an effort with what I was wearing so I put on some skinny jeans, a baggy NASA jumper and some cute pumps with a ribbon bow on the front, still suitable for work but nice and comfortable for me. I put my hair in some French plats and left for work.
I walked into the office feeling terrible, I could tell that Shayne told the squad how drunk I was because as soon as I walked in they all laughed at me
"So how was your nice quiet night at home" Keith laughed
I looked over at him and scowled "it was great, I had way too many shots and had to be escorted home by blabber mouth over there" I smirked looking Shayne dead in the eye, he smirked at me and winked playfully. I winked back at him over dramatically. "I want to come on one of your nights out Olivia bae, sounds like fun!" Courtney smiled giving me a cute little squeeze. We are recording a board game today with Ian, including all the squad. Courtney's favourite game Spy.
We were all sat around the table with the game laid out in front of us. Me, Shayne, and Ian sat on one of the sofas and Courtney, Keith, and Noah sat on the other sofa. We were all using our best poker faces to try and stay the spy, I was the spy this round and was trying to stay as under the radar as possible, keeping my cool and making it through the round without looking suspicious. I could tell that Shayne has caught on because he kept squinting his eyes at me
"Olivia, if you were just a guest coming to this particular area,what type of clothes would you wear" he said this smirking knowing I wouldn't know the answer. I went deep into thought
"Let me think...if I was going to this place I would wear something secure that wouldn't fall" when I said this, Shayne gave me a really surprised look and nodded his head continuing on the game. I guessed everything I said and was surprised that everyone seemed so content with my answer.
The game came to an end and everyone pointed at Noah, nearly every round everyone pointed at Noah because he would always interrogate people.
"You have all been punked!" I laughed villainously. Everyone spun round and looked at me bewildered, Shayne flopped back in his chair covering his face with his hands screaming into them.
"How did you figure out the location, your answer was perfect" Courtney questions.
"I didn't know the location, I was just guessing, what was it?" As I say this everyone looks so defeated
"We were at a swimming pool, the secure clothes made so much sense" Ian chimed in
"How does Olivia win nearly every single board game?" Keith says looking at the camera with disbelief.
The work day is over and all I want to do is get home eat a huge meal and relax on the sofa with a walking dead box set playing on the TV. As I'm walking towards my car I see a figure leaning against it, as I get closer I notice it's Shayne, he is looking down at his watch checking the time. I stop next to my car looking at him. He finally notices me and smiles
"Olivia, just the girl I was stalking, do you think I could maybe hang at yours today, my roommate has his girlfriend round from California and he wants the house to himself?" He asks politely, I never see Shayne look awkward or uncomfortable. It was kind of refreshing seeing all the other sides to him. I nod in retaliation and poke him in the side
"I always knew you found me irresistible" I laugh as I open the drivers car door
"Nice call back" he smirks getting in the passengers side.

A man who can do both-shyliviaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora