Who is it?

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I basically sprinted back to my room to get ready for food, we weren't going all out because we were just ordering Chinese food and having it delivered to the canteen here. I hopped into the shower and washed myself off. Quickly, jumping out the shower and wrapping myself in a towel looking through all my clothes in my suitcase when I hear the door open. I turn quickly and see Shayne admiring my from the doorway jaw open. That's when I remember I'm only in a towel.
"Well close the door idiot, I don't want to be exposed to the entire crew" I say raising my eyebrow. He closes the door...leaving the room. I feel my eyes role into the back of my head out of annoyance.
"With you on the other side of it" I shout tightly holding onto my towel. He opens the door again and closes it behind him.
"Sorry, I was a little taken back. I thought you would be dressed" I see him look into my eyes, trying to keep them from wondering. I see this as a great opportunity to mess with him.
I walk closer towards him, flicking my eyes towards his mouth, I can see his chest moving faster then it was before. I stand on my tiptoes and the edge of my mouth is touching his. His warm breathe sending shivers down my spine. I bring my mouth right next to his ear.
"It's just dinner Shayne" I whisper in his ear and smile. I pull away and see his face is flushed red.
"I can't believe you just played me like that" he laughs awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. But then a cheeky smile spreads across his face. Maybe playing him was a bad idea.
"Shayne turn around so I can get dressed" I order spinning my finger round to motion how he should move. He puts his hands up in the air and turns around.
"You know ever since we kissed Olivia you have become really bossy" he says calmly still staring at the door.
"That's because now I can tell everyone you are a bad kisser" I smirk behind his back. He pulls his right hand forward and clutches at his heart. "Damn Olivia that's cold" he fake sobs.
I walk up behind him and tap him on the shoulder. I'm now wearing a blue off the shoulder play suit with a thick white belt and converse, my hair still wavy and down. He takes one look at me and attacks me with his mouth. I place both my hand on either side of his face and kiss him back...that's when he starts ticking and I burst out into a fit of laughter.
"Shayne stop what are you doing" I laugh hysterically, snorting every now and then.
"This is called revenge Olivia" he smirks continuing to tickle me
I grab his face and kiss him knowing knowing it will take him off guard. I wrap my legs around his waist and make the kiss very deep and passionate. He slides his arms behind my back and sits me up so I am on his lap. I run my hands through his hair tugging a little bit. A grunt escapes his lips, I only kissed him to distract him but now it's actually happening I don't want it to stop. He has his hands on the small of my back and pulls me closer to him gently. As I start to unbutton the top of Shayne's shirt I hear a knock on the front door. Fuck! I jump off of Shayne and stand in front of the mirror brushing my hair while Shayne fixes his hair quickly.
"Who is it"

A man who can do both-shyliviaWhere stories live. Discover now