Home, but not alone

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This is an extra long chapter for you guys because I haven't been updating as much

Me and Shayne were practically tripping through my front door carrying all the shopping bags.
"Sorry for being so long, I just kind of didn't want the day to end" I admit looking down at the ground from embarrassment. He looks down at me sweetly and tucks some hard behind my ear. "Everything you do is perfect Olivia so I don't get why you apologise all the time"
I have had a person make my heart beat out of my chest before; never make it stop all together. He lifts my face up so I am facing him and gives me a cheeky wink. "Lets put on some pyjamas and watch a movie, what do you say?" Shayne whispers close to my ear. I can feel his breath on my neck and it makes my body jolt a little bit. He catches on and moves backwards sniggering a little.
Trying to lighten the mood I quickly run past him and start bolting up the stairs "last one to get changed is a rotten egg!" I shout behind me, I turn around and see Shayne spring into action catching up behind me. I push myself and jump into my bedroom slamming the door behind me and pulling out a pair of pyjama shorts and a baggy T-shirt. Shayne has he upper hands at this point because he already had pyjamas packed instead of having to find them. I sprint out of the bedroom to see Shayne already dressed leaning against the banister with nothing but pyjama bottoms on. I feel a huge lump form in my throat making it hard to breathe. I see Shayne look me up and down "your not bad for a rotten egg" he jokes laughing "how does it feel to loose when you cheated?" He says this as I stare him down with daggers. He continues to laugh as he lunged towards me scooping me up and throwing me over his shoulder. I squeal out of shock and start smacking him on the back until I remember it last bare and become extremely embarrassed. "Am I the irresistible Olivia that you can't even look at me when I'm shirtless?" He jokes still walking down the stairs with me.
"Yeah, I just didn't want to hurt you is all!" I retaliate giving up fighting, knowing he is too strong for me to win anyway.
We finally reach the living room and I can feel how tired my arms have become from trying to prop myself up on Shayne's back so my head didn't dangle the whole time. He flopped me onto the sofa...and it wasn't delicately because I was winded. We both laughed and sat down to watch the new IT movie. Clowns are always terrifying so watching a film based on a scary clown probably wasn't the best idea.
As the film went on IT jumped out from the sewer water and I leaped onto Shayne's lap burying my head into his chest blocking my face from the TV. That's when I felt an arm wrap around my back. I looked up from Shayne's chest and saw him sniggering at me as he rubbed my back for comfort. "Shayne I think we should.." before I got to finish my sentence Shayne's lips crashed onto mine, I immediacy started kissing him back out of instinct, his breathe tasted like sour sweets that we had been munching on through out the film. Now his mouth tasted as sweet as his him. I tugged on his hair slightly causing him to grunt against my mouth.
"Shayne lets go upstairs" I whispered out of breath in his ear. The hunger in his eyes was very apparent, I wrapped my legs around his waist and he had his hands supporting me gripping onto the underneath of my thighs. Our kisses were becoming more passionate as we made our way to my bedroom. We swung the door open fondling against walls until we found our way to the bed. He threw me so my head landed on the pillows and climbed on top, both of our eyes were now searching each other. I could never get tired of those beautiful blue eyes looking down at me. I grabbed his face and continued to kiss him wrapping my legs once more around his waist, he pulled me up so I was sat on his lap and started investigating my body like Sherlock homes. I broke the kiss and looked down at him.
"Are we doing the right thing?" I mumbled under my breath kind of hoping he won't hear me. Shayne goes to say something and then closes his mouth again. I can see his is searching his brain for an answer because now his hands have detached from my body and he is looked at the ceiling. He gently pushes me off of him and sits at the end of the bed looking down at the floor.
"Honestly Olivia, I don't know what we are and what we are doing." He says breathlessly. I slowly crawl over to him and wrap my arms around his back and hug him as tight as humanly possible.
"Maybe we should go to sleep" he says still not sounding completely himself.
We both bury ourselves under the duvet and stare at each other for a while. I slide closer towards him and stroke his face gently, he closes his eyes out of comfort. I pull my head closer to him and gently kiss him on the mouth sliding my tongue in. His hand comes out from under the quilts and grabs my waist. He is now leaning over me and we are kissing again...god Olivia you dog. I think to myself rather chuffed.
He breaks the kiss and lays back down next to me on his back, I curl up next to him and we drift off to sleep. I'm happy with how the night went even though I didn't get EXACTLY what I wanted.

I fluttered my eyes open and checked my phone next to me
I stretch my arm out and I feel a muscular torso against my fingers. I quickly snap my head round and the all the events from last night flash back into my head. He looks so cute while he sleeps. I can't help but kiss him on the forehead before I get up and start to get dressed. As I'm stripping off I hear a movement in the sheets behind me and jump out of my skin, I didn't expect Shayne to wake up while I was changing. I look down at myself and see I'm only on my underwear. I see Shayne eyes wondering all over my body.
"Fuck it" Shayne leans across the bed and pulls my arm so I'm on top of him. We start making out aggressively and it quickly leads to us tearing off each other's clothes. We begin having sex and it's amazing.
"Shayne" I moan quietly while he groans in my ear. My back arches so out chests are against each other and I can't help but realise. You can tell we have both been waiting for this moment, I can feel heat vibrating up my body. Shayne's back buckles and he lays down next to me. We both lay next go each other panting rather aggressively. That's when I hear a rather loud knock at the front door
"Olivia it's me, please open the door!"

A man who can do both-shyliviaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora