The beginning

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Like every morning I pushed myself out of my little fold out bed, scratching my head and pulling the strands of hair that have travelled into my mouth while I slept beautifully. I stretched my arms out wide like a baby after a lunch time nap. My feet gliding across the floor as I searched for the bathroom rubbing my eyes. I investigated my face through the bathroom mirror, my hair was sticking out in all angles and my eyes looked glued together from the lack of sleep (I was on the internet till early hours ;D)
I splashed freezing cold water on my face which let a loud gasp escape my mouth making me laugh as it echoed around my bathroom like a very energetic bouncy ball. I shoved my charcoal toothpaste into my mouth and grinned like a mad man in the mirror looking at my black teeth soon to be dazzlingly white.
After rinsing my mouth out and freshening up I was searching for a nice outfit in my wardrobe, after pulling out a cute pair of overalls and a Hawaiian shirt I grabbed my car keys a cup of coffee and travelled to work.
Driving down the motorway I was screaming all the songs on the radio, banging on my steering wheel and serenading other drivers as they sped by my little Mini Cooper.
I pulled into the work parking lot looking chirpy and full of energy as I jumped out of the car and closed the door with my butt. I hear a voice laughing behind me. I already know in my head it isn't Keith because he wouldn't be at work this early. I spin round to look behind me doing a little jig and see Shayne walking up towards me
"someone's happy this morning" he smirks pulling his back pack back onto his shoulder.
"Well you know me Shayne, always the life of the party" I squeak in a little squirrel voice
He looks me up and down and chuckles to himself
"What time do you think Keith is going to get to work today?" He asks me lifting one eyebrow, I squint my eyes and out my fingers on the temples of my head pretending to be looking into the future "even the gods don't know Shayne" I say with a serious tone.
As me and Shayne are walking up to the room he is doing different celebrity impressions as I try to imitate him, doing a terrible job by the way. Just to let you know.

A man who can do both-shyliviaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant