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Slamming my back door behind me, it really did feel good to be home. I slipped my shoes off and scooted my feet across the floor letting the soft carpet slide in between my toes. I always missed home every time I went away to smosh summer and winter games. Even though I will admit I had a nice distraction this time. I collapsed onto my sofa and spread out soaking in the fabric. That's when I heard my phone buzz next to me, it was Shayne.
Olivia's phone:
Shayne:hey Liv 😇
Olivia:what do you want now Shayne😉
Shayne:someone is bitter😱
Olivia:I'm bored...your easy to wind up😂
Shayne: if your so bored I could come over?
Olivia:what about tomorrow,we don't have any work?
Shayne:yeah sounds good to me, tomorrow it is then!
Olivia:tomorrow it is!
The conversation continued between us through out the night, it was embarrassing to admit but Shayne is just so easy to get along with and I live being in contact with him all the time.
Of course the remainder of the night I relaxed in front of the TV watching community like I always do. I could feel myself drifting off in front of the TV laying on the ground with a pillow and blanket, my rug is just so fluffy I can't help myself. I feel my eyes slowly close and I drift off to sleep.
I feel the light burning through my eye lids and quint glaring at my open curtains. I push myself off the ground and pull the stray hairs out of my mouth. I feel especially groggy still in my clothes and makeup from yesterday. I basically crawl up the stairs and into my bathroom. I pull my phone out of my pocket and see a missed call from Shayne, that when I realise the time "HALF TWO!" I practically yell through the house, I slept till half two in the afternoon. I quickly jump into the shower and clean myself off washing away the remaining makeup on my face and brushing my hair while he condition sits in it making sure it is clean and free of knots. I jump out the shower and wrap myself into a towel and dry myself off picking up a pair of leggings and a oversized T-shirt. Quickly pulling it on I grab my phone and call Shayne back.
"Hey Olivia, I called you about an hour ago, you okay?" He asks sounding chirpy.
"Yeah I'm fine, just wondering why you called?" I asked while brushing my teeth.
"Are you brushing your teeth in the middle of the day?" He said sounding rather amused.
"Yeah I woke up about 30 minutes ago" I mumbled under my breath. I hear him laugh down the phone rather dramatically if I say so myself.
"Yeah,yeah I get it. Hilarious" I continue with a harsh tone.
"Anyway, I called to ask if you wanted to go out before I come round your house" he chucked still on the other end of the phone.
"Yeah sounds good, what about the mall, I need some new clothes" I asked spitting out my toothpaste and rinsing out my mouth.
All I hear is a sigh down the phone.
"Please Shayne, you asked me to go out and I really need some new clothes!" I whimper like a hurt dog.
"...fine, but I'm not staying there for hours just so you can pick one pair of jeans" Shayne said putting his foot down. I know this sounds gross but it kind of made me twing hearing Shayne raise his voice.
"The mall it is then" I smile on the other end of the phone.
"The mall it is" he sighs again.
I kiss the phone and hang up. Lets get ready to go to the mall!

A man who can do both-shyliviaWhere stories live. Discover now