Activity TWO

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Me and Shayne walk out to breakfast with each other, I swing my arms in the air and skip towards the canteen where all the breakfast food is being served. Every time I see Shayne smiling at me, his cute, adorable smile showing his perfect teeth. I feel on top of the world this morning. I walk into the canteen with Shayne standing behind me full of smiles. Courtney taps the seat next to her "Olivia, over here BABY!" She shouts waving her arms in the air frantically. I run over to her and attack her with kisses all over her cheeks.
"hey...hey...hey, what's all this about" she giggles swinging her head back.
I pull away and smile at her.
"Because I love you and haven't given my best friend enough attention recently" I squeak, giving her puppy dog eyes. She reciprocates the look and pulls me into a hug.
"I'm glad I got my Olivia back!" She squeals looking so happy my heart could burst.
I look across the canteen and see Shayne laughing with All the boys, his perfect smile as he leans across the table to grab the salt.
"Nah Courtney, this is a new and improved Olivia" I smile as I continue to stare at him.
Breakfast was over and me and Courtney walked to the next activity together hand in hand. Well I'm glad I'm not a cowbae for this activity. We are going to get extremely wet and they have white t-shirts, awks. The activity is to slide a pint across a bar table and another member of the team has to catch it with one hand at the end. To try and fill a bucket up with the most water.
The activity was kicking off and everyone was really getting into it, cowbaes were in the lead and Shayne was loving every second of beating me in a challenge.
"How do you like that Randy bandits HUH!" He was so happy for his team to be winning a challenge and I'm not going to lie seeing him this happy about it made me want to beat him even more. Bet you weren't expecting me to say that haha. I started really getting into the game and trying so hard to catch every single glass. It was hard where the floor was now slippery and we had to do a special move every time we caught the glass.
Of course because we are the Randy bandits we pushed the entire bucket of water across the bar and only some of it made it alive in to our finishing bucket.
When the game ended the atmosphere was intense. I averted my eyes to Shayne and gave him a death glare with a menacing smile.
"What you looking at Olivia, huh,huh!" He says pretending to square up to me.
I retaliate and do it back "what was that Shayne, what was that!" I try to sound as intimidating as him but my voice is too high pitched and just makes everyone laugh.
Sunny the judge #SunngIsABadRef, pushes the buckets together and the cowbaes beat us by just an inch. Fuck. Our team huddles together in a group hug and comforts each other, while the others jump around in the air screaming and applauding. Shayne runs over to me picks me up in the air and spins round as he clings onto my torso, I can't help but burst out into laughter. Because of Shayne doing this all the members of the cowbaes are picking up the Randy bandits and celebrating. None of us are sore losers and we all congratulate each other. While all the madness is going on around us I find myself still being held up by Shayne staring into his eyes as he stares into mine. Are faces getting closer together when.
"And, the video is over everyone go get ready for dinner tonight you here me" Matt Raub laughs.
Me and Shayne snap back into reality and he sets me down gently back on to my feet.
"See you at dinner"

A man who can do both-shyliviaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن