That was eventful!

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All I can think about is that dinner, I wasn't expecting any of that. I don't know what Shayne was trying to do but I can't get him off of my mind ever since that hand somehow made its way onto my thigh.
I basically run into my room and close the door behind me. I can't get Shayne out of my head and it's actually starting to bug me, it's as if I can't imagine my life without him. Which if I'm honest I don't want to. I quickly jump into the shower and wash all the sweat of my body they had collected through out the day. I jump out and put on some pyjama shorts and a matching pyjama top. As I'm getting comfortable in bed I see my door slightly open and a pair of piercing blue eyes shine through
"Shayne, is that you?" I ask my voice sounding croaky.
He opens the door slightly more "Yeah, it's me can I come in?" He says really sweet and innocent.
I lift the bed sheet up next to me and pat the bed. He creeps through the door and sits on the bed next to me.
"Are you" before I can finish my sentence his lips attack mind. And if I'm being honest it feels great amazing even, it's as if his lips melted into mine. This kiss is a lot more heated then the first time we kissed. I felt like my heart was pumping out of my chest, this kiss felt like it was going on forever, but I didn't want it to end. He pulled away out of breathe and was breathing against my neck.
"Olivia, I hate to break it to you but I don't think we can just be friends anymore" he whispered in my ear. His whispers sent shivers down my spine.
"Shayne, maybe you should leave before we take this too far?" I don't want to say this but I know it's for the best.
He looks at me with hunger in his eyes. He kisses down my neck and then stops "I don't want to leave" he mumbles into my neck. I don't want him to leave either if I'm being honest. I pull the duvet and push it over him so he is covered.
"Then don't" I smirk cuddling up to him. He squeezes me tightly and rests his head on top of mine. With him being so close to me I found is easy to drift off to sleep.
I woke up having a great night sleep. As I looked up I saw Shayne fast asleep with my head resting on his bare chest. I couldn't help but stare at him as he lay fast asleep, he looked so peaceful and quaint, like a child even. I traced my finger across his lips, knowing my lips had once been there made my heart skip a beat. As I sit up I hear movement behind me. I turn around and see Shayne propped up on one arm staring at me admiringly. I feel embarrassed and hide my face in the covers. He reaches over and scoops me up in both of his arms and holds me tight. I stroke my right hand through his hair and kiss him quickly before pulling away and getting ready for another day of activities. I can never get enough of those blue eyes.

A man who can do both-shyliviaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang