I Love You

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I laid in bed thinking about my eventful work day, my lips still tingling from that intense elevator ride. Shayne's face crashing into mine, like two cars on the motorway in a car accident all mangled into each other stuck until someone intervenes...but a good car accident. I lay snuggled under the covers of my double bed picturing Shayne laid next to me, soaking in his warmth. Instead James lays next to me, staring at the ceiling motionless. His body releasing cold energy, or am I just imagining this because I don't want him near me. I turn to face him awkwardly and investigate his face, he looks rather unhappy and annoyed, if I'm honest I didn't want to question him on why because I don't care. I close my eyes and prepare myself to dream peacefully that's until I hear a grumble beside me "How are you okay with acting like this" I turn around in confusion and look at James who's arms are now crossed "What are you even talking about?" I ask rubbing my eyes. He practically snaps his neck around and looks me dead in the eye "We haven't been intimate once since we got engaged, its ridiculous Olivia" he said raising his voice. I jolt up in the bed out of frustration "Are you fucking kidding me right now!" I shout spinning my head round and meet his eyes, he tuts under his breath causing the anger inside me to rise further and further to the surface, "Maybe James, its because I never wanted to marry you in the first place, this isn't what I asked for. You basically pushed it onto me and I'm the one who is being ridiculous because I don't want to fuck you!" I yell before pushing the duvet off of me and shoving on my slippers at the end of the bed, grabbing my phone and storming towards the bedroom door "Where are you going!" he yells back jumping out of the bed so he is towering over me. "Anyway away from you right now, your presence is making me feel sick" I know what I am saying is hurtful but right now I don't even care about how he is feeling. I slam the bedroom door behind me and run down the stairs towards the front door "Yeah run away from this!" he yells standing at the top of the stairs looking at me angrily "I'm the one that runs away, you ran away from me remember" I shout back. I grab the door handle and swing the door open and close it behind me jogging over to my car in the rain and quickly getting inside trying not to get too wet. 

I find myself standing in front  of Shayne's door, rain soaking my clothes, I'm shaking like crazy standing in my pyjama shorts and oversized T-shirt gripping my phone to my chest to try and stop the rain getting to it. I shouldn't of come here, its 2am he is probably sleeping. That's when  light seeps through the glass on the front door which lights up my face. The door slowly creaks open and a sleepy Shayne stands on the other side, his face goes from confusion to worry "Olivia, your soaking get inside before you get sick" he says grabbing my arm and pulling me inside. he sits me down on the sofa and brings out a cup of coffee "Why are you here?" he asks concerned, I look down at the floor and then back at him "I didn't know where else I could go, me and James had an argument and I didn't want to be anywhere else but with you" I answer honestly, I would rather only be with Shayne, when I'm at my lowest he always finds a way to cheer me up, and right now I could really do with some cheering up. I feel a warmth on my hand, I look down and see Shayne has placed his rough hand on top of mine. he is smiling at me sweetly "No matter what the reason is you can always come here, even if there isn't a reason" this fills me with warmth and comfort. Before I can respond to his kind words he places his hand on my face and stroked my cheek with his thumb, his face inches closer to mine and I feel my eyes closing, his lips connect with mine, this is different to our last kiss we shared its sweet and innocent, like there is a love there that I didn't notice was there before. I pull away and look into Shayne's eyes "I love you"

My eyes flutter open, I feel a warmth across my torso, I look and see Shayne's arm draped over me, I wrap my arms around it and snuggle into him, that's when I notice I'm not wearing any clothes and neither is Shayne. Then I think back to the early hours of the day 

he looks back at me in astonishment before his lips crash back onto mine, out breathing deepens as I feel his hands search my body as he tugs on my wet clothes, "Lets go upstairs" he mumbles against my lips. I nod in response not wanting to break the kiss that we are sharing. he pulls away from me and smiles mischievously, I look back at him in confusion but before I can protest he pulls me into him and throws me over his shoulder like a firefighter, I burst into a fit  of laughter as he runs up the stairs, me still dangling over his shoulder. he swings the door open to his bedroom and throws me on he bed. I bounce up off the bed and crash back onto it still laughing like I'm insane. he grabs my slippers and throws them on the floor pulling a stupid sexy face which causes me to snort from laughing so much, as soon as I snort he erupts into laughter and falls onto the floor gripping his stomach. I crawl to the end of the bed and dangle of the edge, I grab his hand and try my hardest to pull him up on the bed, he sees how much I am struggling and jumps onto the bed. He wraps his hands around my wrists and delicately lays me down onto the bed, I know its not the first time we have had sex but this time feels so different, so much more intimate then the first time. I feel so much more of a connection. As he looks down at me admiringly leaning over me I can feel my heart beat in my throat. his index finger strokes my bottom lip gently. I grab the ends of my T-shirt and try and pull it over my head, the fabric is sticking to my body from all the rainwater, after about a minute of struggling to get it over my head I give up and leave the T-short laying over my face, I hear Shayne start to giggle which causes me to squirm under the damp fabric. I feel his rough hands graze my stomach as he helps me get my clothing off my body. I'm now completely naked in front of him as he is fully clothed. I feel myself blushing uncontrollably. he sits up on his knees above me and pulls off his Pyjama Bottoms, we are now both completely naked admiring each other. I perch myself up on my elbows and wrap my arms around the back of his neck so that our faces are so close to each other I can feel the breeze from his eyelashes. I place my lips on top of his, our tongues almost immediately start massaging each others, I can already feel butterflies flying around like crazy in my stomach. "I want you to take me right now" I moan into his neck as his hand makes its way to my private area. his thumb starts to circle around my clit as his two other fingers slide into my vagina, all the heat from inside my body explodes like a firework. As his fingers still work there way around my pussy he gently lays me down so that I am flat on my back, the moans I am creating increasingly get louder and louder, Just before I feel like I am about to release he pulls his finger out, I look up at him in confusion, he winks at me as he rubs the tip of his penis on my opening, he slowly slides it in and my body melts into his, our bodies feel so connected as he places both his hands on either side of my head. after about ten minutes of moans and grunts my back suddenly arches "Shayne!" I practically scream as my body shakes. he looks down at me looking rather pleased with himself. He starts to thrust faster inside of me which causes my body to heat up again, I place my hand in his hair and tug on it hard pulling his face into mine so our mouths can intertwine again. He pulls his face away from mine and places his head in the crook of my neck as I moan louder and louder. I cant believe I'm going to cum again. my body pushes against his. I spread my hands out onto the bed and squeeze the sheets in my hands causing my knuckles to turn white. I'm panting like crazy, my body falls back onto the bed. Shayne nibbles on my neck breathing really heavily. He slowly falls pulls out and falls onto the area of the bed next to me. we both look at each other smiles plastered on our faces "Well that was something" I gasp still trying to catch my breath. Shayne runs his hands through his hair and turns to look into my eyes "You could say that"

I smile to myself and press my face against Shayne's arm, I feel slight movement behind me and then feel a head rest on my shoulder, a tender kiss is placed on my neck above the love bite that was created in last nights events "I love you too"

A man who can do both-shyliviaWhere stories live. Discover now