Chapter 6

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Sierra P.O.V

*At the hospital*

I was pacing back and forth in the waiting room. I can't believe they won't let me see my baby yet and we've been waiting for like hours. Everyone came to the hospital with us to check on Ki-ki. "Bae calm down I'm sure she's ok." D'Sean says trying to get me to sit next to him. "How can I fckin calm down when my  only daughter is in here hurt and we can't see her?!  I'm not going to calm down until I see her!" I was kinda yelling and people started staring as I continued to pace. Nobody said anything to me after that little scene but I'm not in the mood to talk anyways. The boys went outside to smoke... probably getting high or something but that's on them if they get caught. I went up to the desk and tried to get the woman's attention, "Excuse ma'm.." she ignored me and stayed talking on the phone about some girl or whatever.  Man I don't see why they would hire ghetto btches like her.  "Ma'm! Can you put down the damn phone and give me some information!?" She looked at me stupid and then told her lil friend to hold. She lucky I didn't punch the sht out of her for that.  "How can I help you?" she said it with an attitude.  Ooh this chick really really trying me right now. "Can I see my daughter now?" I tried to say it as nice as I could. "Ma'm you're going to have to wait until the doctor calls you" with that being said she went straight back to her phone call. I went back and sit down and waited...

About an hour later a doctor came out "Ms. Peterson's parents?"  I kinda jumped up and ran over to the doctor. "I'm her mother,  is she ok?" I asked concerned. "She's fine ma'm, just a few broken bones, bruises  and a concussion. She's healing fast so she'll be able go home in about 3 days... Oh and the blow to the head caused short term memory loss so she might not remember anything from the previous days."  Well I'm relieved that she's ok and still living. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. "Can we please see her?" I asked hopefully being able to finally see her.  "Of course ma'm, follow me."

We all walked in the room and gathered around Kianna's bed.  She had a cast on her arm and leg. There were cuts and bruises on her face, neck, arms, and legs and she had a black eye.  My baby looked so hurt and broken. She was sleeping and looked so peaceful. "Ki-ki baby wake up" I said softly while shaking her a little. She groaned a little the opened her eyes slowly. I could tell it hurts when she tries to open them.i wanted to cry because I hated seeing my baby girl like this. I decided to stay strong hold back my tears. "Hey mama *winces* what's going on?" she asked confused while looking around the room at everyone. "Sweetie you're at the hospital... you got into a wreck last night." I told her as a few tears fell. "Oh.. um.. ok.. Hey everybody." she winced. Everyone told her hey and started talking to her.  Keandre was messing with her as always and that made her smile.  I smiled at the sight of the family making her feel better. 

D'Sean P.O.V

My baby girl laying in that hospital bed all bruised up and hurt isn't a good sight to see.  Yea I felt like crying but I won't do that in front of everyone. It was almost time to go so everyone started to say their goodbyes. When everyone walked out I pulled a chair up to Kianna's bed and held her hand.  I put my head down on the bed and a couple tears fell.  I felt her squeeze my hand and I looked up.  She was smiling at me... that bright pretty smile.  Her smile reminded me of all the times we spent together when she was a child. As she started to grow up we kinda drifted apart. Hustlin' became my number one priority and I put that before fam.  "When you get out of here we gon have a daddy daughter day, like old times...remember that." She smiled "I can't wait daddy. And stop crying haha man up." she said laughing.  I laughed too "You right lil one...I'm too tough to be crying." I said while kissing my muscles. "Boy bye you not tough." We both laughed "Aye I'm not no boy I'm a grown ass man" I said.  "Yea you right old man." she said smiling. She got jokes I see. I was about to say something smart back but the nurse came in and told me it was time to go.  "Aight Ima see ya tomorrow baby girl." I kissed her forehead and she told me bye.  I walked out the room.  Man I really didn't want to leave her here... I need my baby home...

Sooo here's another update. Chapter 6 complete.  Woot Woot lol.  Vote, comment, and follow me.  Thanks for reading.

Question: Do you think D'Sean is a good dad?

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Will be updating soon!

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