Chapter 19

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Kianna P.O.V

I stayed in my room all day today. My dad and Leah went out to eat; my dad asked if I wanted to come but I said no. I'm not really in the mood to be alone with them. Its not that I don't like the girl but I'm mostly mad at my dad for not telling me about her all these years.

I got out of bed and went downstairs to get something to eat. My tummy started talking to me so I might as well satisfy it. I didn't eat all day so you know I'm hungry. I decided to fix some cereal because I'm not in the mood to cook or anything.

I fixed my bowl of cereal and went eat it in the living room. Nobody eats in the dining room these days haha. It was 8:00 p.m and I was watching Love and Hip Hop Atlanta. I heard some car doors close outside so my daddy them must be back. Probably went get some damn McDonald's or something.

I heard the doorbell ring a couple times then whoever it was at the door started banging on it. Smh black people these days I tell ya. Always banging on the people door. When I opened the door I just had to smile. It was my cousins Xixi and Rain. Lawd I haven't seen these two clowns since I was little.

"What the hell y'all doing here?" I asked.

"We came to see yo ass but we can go if you wanna be like that." Xixi said while walking in.

"Well how did y'all know where I stay?" I asked suspiciously.

"Look uncle D called us and told us about your little situation so he wanted us to come make you feel better or whatever." Rain said while stretching out on the couch. I hope she know this not her house and I need my spot back.

"Oh ok I what y'all wanna do?" I said while pushing Rain off the couch to get my spot back.

"Oh hell naw why'd you do that?" Rain said while giving me a death glare. Me and Xixi burst out laughing cuz she just looked crazy as hell.

"Rain chill girl it was her spot first. But anyways y'all wanna go to the beach?" she said while looking at her phone.

"Its damn near 9 o'clock and you wanna go to the beach? Girl you trippin." Rain said.

"No my friends said they having a bonfire over there so let's go. It'll take yo mind off of things." Xixi said as she pulled me off if the couch.

"Fine I'll go...lemme go get dressed first tho." I said.

"Hurry up because you know you ass be taking forever in a day to get dressed."  Xixi said.

I went up upstairs and dressed in some sweats with my obey hoodie. It gets chilly on the beach at night so yea you know I gotta stay warm.

At the beach

We finally made it to the beach. It was a two hour drive to get here so it was like 10 something right now. There was a big bonfire with a whole lot of people sitting around it talking and laughing. Maybe this will turn out to be a good thing.

We made our way over to Xixi friends. they were sitting on a blanket. We sat down with them because we didn't bring anything to sit on smh so forgetful.

"Ok so Ki-Ki these are my friends Nisha and Ahnyce. Ahnyce and Nisha this is my cousin Kianna but you can call her Ki-Ki. And y'all already know Rain."  Xixi introduced all of us.

"So what were you two up to?" Xixi asked them.

"We just waiting for our brother..he about to sing." Nisha told us.

"Ugh why he gotta sing..nobody likes him." Rain said while rolling her eyes.

"Who's y'all brother?" I asked them.

"August Alsina." Ahnyce said.

My heart dropped. They're August sisters?! I don't want him to see me here when I told him I was going to be  busy today. I honestly didn't want to see him today ugh.

"Hey I gotta go get something out the car so I'll be right back." I said

"Hurry back before you miss the performance."  Xixi said.

I got up and started to walk towards the car. It was a good little walk because it was up a little hill. When I made it closer to the car I saw something I didn't expect to see. All I could do was stand eyes filled up with tears as I watched.

Not again....

Ayoo! That's all for chapter 19! I was stuck on this chapter for a while so sorry for taking long to update. ANYWAYS... I know this chapter was short but I was rushing it tbh. Oh and Kianna cousins came to town! I know y'all parts were kinda short but don't worry I'll be working with y'all in the next chapter.

So what do you think Kianna saw? Comment!!


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