Chapter 9

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Kianna P.O.V

"What has gotten into you Ms. Peterson? You were always a good quiet student and never gave anyone trouble. So why'd you do it?" Mr.  Jefferson, the principal, said with a serious look on his face. I just looked at him and smiled then simply replied, "It was for revenge. You just don't know how long her and her lil sidekicks been bullying me and how they made me feel like sht everyday. So the b.tch deserved it." His expression showed sympathy but I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me because it's all done now. Things are going to change now... no more playing nice because they take my kindness for my weakness.

"Ms. Peterson?" I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my name. "Huh?" I said as I turned my attention to the principal. "You do know you have to be punished for your actions." He said as he picked up the phone and started to call someone. Probably my mom but I don't care if I get in trouble because it was worth it. "Your father will be picking you up shortly and you are going to be suspended for the rest of the week. You can go wait for your father outside." He said as he started doing some paperwork. I just got up and walked outside.

I decided to go to the football field and wait in the bleachers. As I made my way up the bleachers I heard someone call my name.

"Kianna!" I turned sounds and saw August and another girl coming up the bleachers to where I was. 

"What are you doing out here?" I asked confused. "We didn't feel like going to class. Oh this is Trisha and Trisha this Kianna." August introduced us and I told her hey.  "So how much trouble are you in?" August asked as he sat next to me. I kinda got butterflies because he was sitting so close. 

"I'm just suspended for the rest of the week." I told him.  It wasn't really anything serious so I don't care.

"You starting to be a bad ass chick now. What's going on?" He laughed a bit and I kinda laughed too.  "You wouldn't understand so nothing.."

I guess he got the hint because he didn't ask about it again.

I heard my name being called from the office so I'm guessing my dad here. "Well I gotta go and you better stay out of trouble too August.  Trisha don't let him get you in trouble either because I see he's starting to be a bad influence on you already." I said and they both laughed. I told Trisha bye and August got up and hugged me.  I was surprised at first but I hugged him back. I'm guessing we were hugging for a while because my name was called again at the office.

We let go and I blushed a little then made my way down the bleachers. I couldn't stop smiling. That hug made my day but then the thought popped in my head... what if he's into Trisha..
At Home

"So the principal told me about the beat that girl asz?" my dad asked.  He wasn't mad he was amused. "Of course I did,  I have that Peterson blood in me so you know I beat her." we both laughed at that. This was the closest thing to daddy daughter time we ever got.  I wanted to enjoy every second of it.

Since we were the only ones home we decided to go to the screening room and watch movies. My dad carried me upstairs since he didn't want me moving on my leg anymore. The crutches are tiring ya know.

We were in the middle of watching a movie when my dad phone started ringing. He got up and went answer it outside.  Probably time to go to the trap or something... like always. Something always have to ruin our family time and I hate that.  Sometimes I wish he would just get another job and it should be less dangerous.

He rushed back in the room and he looked serious. "Kianna I need you to listen to me ok... no questions just listen." he said it fast and I kinda got nervous.

"I want you to go hide ok, and don't come out no matter what. Understand?" he tried to say it as calm as he could and I shook my head yes. He handed me a gun and instructed me to go hide. I got up and got my crutches then went to my room as fast as I could. I heard a loud bang and quickly closed and locked my door. 

I hid in my closet and lucky me it locks too. I sat in the corner with the gun close to me.  Ugh why did this have to happen now?! We were having a good time until he answered that damn phone call now look where it has us.

I heard alot of gunshots coming from downstairs. It went on for a while for a while then it just... stopped.

The house was silent for a while until I heard someone come upstairs. I could tell they were checking the rooms and that made me nervous as hell. 

Whoever it was finally made it to my room and I got my gun ready. I'm not going down without a fight that one thing I know for sure. The person was in my room now walking around. I was being a quiet as I could and stayed where I was. All of a sudden my phone started ringing loudly. Damn I forgot I had it with me. I saw it was August calling then I quickly silenced my phone.

The person knew I was in the closet now. My heart was racing because now they were making their way towards the closet.  I was so scared but I pushed it aside and pointed the gun at the door. I closed my eyes when I heard it open. The only thing you could hear next was a gun shot...

OMG!!  Chapter 9 is done.  I wonder who found Kianna and who got shot. Who do you think it is? Comment :D

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