Chapter 22

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I have no clue how long I've been stuck in here. It feels like months passed by and I've had no contact with the outside world. I feel so empty inside that it doesn't make sense. I thought my daddy or even August would've saved me by now...but I guess I was wrong. I kept telling myself that one of them would come..someone..anyone..but I feel hopeless now.

I haven't eaten in days and I'm starving. Whenever "He"..I say he because his name disgust me... he only comes in here to either beat or rape me. I've also been sick a lot lately but I hope there's nothing wrong. I'm lucky that I got moved from the basement to an actual bedroom. It's not much but it's alright I guess.

I looked at myself in the mirror and I could barely recognized me. I'm covered with cuts and bruises, I have dried blood on me from last night when he beat me again, I didn't have any clothes..not even the clothes I came here with, I don't even look like myself anymore.

I sat against the wall with my head in my hands and cried. I cried and cried until I couldn't cry anymore. I just wanna go home...


Today was graduation day. The day I finally get out of this hell hole they call a school. I was disappointed that we didn't find Kianna yet and she's going to miss the day she's been waiting for since she got here. Right now I'm getting dressed since the graduation is in two hours and I need to be at the school in least than an hour. Kesha been complaining that her gown doesn't fit anymore since the baby made her bigger but I told her to just wear a dress..she always wanna be so complicated bruh.

I came downstairs in my cap and gown to show everyone how I looked. I had my sisters here, along with my my crew. I wish my mama was here but I haven't talked to her since she kicked me out her house and she's in Atlanta anyways. They coming just I'm case something pop off at the graduation. D'Sean said he'll come to get Kianna's diploma for her since she won't be there. It makes me feel bad that she won't be able to be here for this special day.

"Aww my bro finally graduating. I'm so proud of you."  Nisha said while coming up to hug me.

"Look at him thinking he all fresh and clean."  Ahnyce said while laughing.

"Girl I don't think..I know I'm I'm fresh and clean so you need to go somewhere with all that." I said while throwing a pillow at her.

"Ooo boy you lucky ma—nvm I'll get your ass back later."  Ahnyce said.

I wonder what she was about to say about ma..I'll just ask her later about that. They both got up and rushed out the room. I could've sworn I heard a sniffle come out of one of them. Before I got the chance to go see what's wrong I heard Kesha calling me.

"August!! Come help me!" she yelled.

I walked upstairs to see what she wanted. When I walked in the room I saw her standing in the middle of the floor holding her stomach. 

"My water just broke..."

D'Sean P.O.V

I was chilling at the trap with my boys. I know I should still be trying to find Kianna but I needed a break because all of this is stressing me out. Kendall rolled up a blunt and starting passing it around. This is just what I needed too. I took a couple of hits and just layed back taking it all in. All of a sudden there was a knock at the door. Whoever it is better have a good reason to interrupt me. I pulled out my gun and headed for the door. Keandre and Kendall were right behind me with theirs too. I opened the door and pointed my gun at whoever it was.

"Oh my...."


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