Chapter 20

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Kianna P.O.V


Kianna: What are you doing? Get the hell off me

?: Struggling will just make it worse baby

Kianna: I said get the hell off of me! Stop!

*Punches her*

?: Kianna shut the hell up before I have to kill yo ass!

Kianna: *stays quiet*

?: Now that's—

*Flashback ends*

I was snapped back into reality when I heard him call my name. I didn't know if I should go to him or run. I wanted to go but I'm afraid of what might happen.

"Kianna? Is that you? Damn girl I haven't seen you in a while." he said while coming up to hug me.

I just stood there frozen. I didn't know what to do or say. I wanted to run but it felt like I was paralyzed. He had the nerves to touch me after what he did to me. After everything he put me through yet he has the nerve to really touch me.

"What's up with you? You too surprised to talk to me?" he said.

I just stared at him and shook my head no. He laughed and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Let's take a little walk and ...catch up.." he whispered in my ear.

He started to drag me to his car even though I tried to pull away he kept pulling me back to him. I screamed for help but I guess no one heard me. He threw me in his car and sped off...

Xixi and Rain P.O.V

Xixi: Kianna been gone for a while.. I'm starting to worry a bit.

Rain: That girl can handle herself so stop worrying. She old enough to go places alone.

Xixi: See that's why I don't like taking you nowhere cause you always wanna act smart.

Rain: Whatever girl

An hour passed and there's still no sign of Kianna anywhere. She wasn't in the car or anywhere by the bonfire.

Xixi: Where the hell she at? See this is why we shouldn't have let her go somewhere alone at night like uncle D told us. Now we don't know where the hell she at.

Rain: Her phone is off. Ugh now uncle D is going to kick our ass foreal.

Xixi: Look she probably went take a walk or something so she should be back. We'll just wait here ok.

August Alsina: My Thug LoveWhere stories live. Discover now