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I wake up with a jolt at the sound of people screaming. Raising my head a bit I realize an arm is draped across my waist, holding me down. I follow the line of the arm up until I see it's attached to Derreck, my new idiot brother.

When did we fall asleep in the basement?

I carefully lift his arm off me and drop it onto his own body. Groaning, he rolls over on the large couch and buries his face into the cushions.

I maneuver myself slowly away, hearing more screaming - also, something smells funny. Glancing over at Derreck I shrug and creep over to the stairs leading up to the door, thinking some of the pack members are probably just being idiot boys - as usual.

As soon as my hand reaches the door, I get the horrifying feeling that something is terribly wrong. For one, there's a lot of heat coming from the other side of that door.

I slowly turn the doorknob and the door creeks it's way open a little. What I see terrifies me...this isn't just some random let's-see-who's-bigger quarrel, this is a full blown attack.

Fiery hot flames of red and orange lick the walls of the once beautiful pack house. Many pack members are running around, looking for their families.

A gunshot makes me flinch and pull the door shut, leaving a little crack to see through. Three members of my pack - the annoying trio Brad, Ethan, and Kevin - run into the kitchen with wide eyes and turn. I peek at the direction they're watching and cover my mouth to mute the gasp as two hunters walk in, guns raised and poised to kill.

I quietly shut the door and creep down the stairs - there's nothing I can do for them now - cringing as I hear the first shot. A metallic smell reaches me and I know the bullets are pure silver - yeah, whatever a hunter hurts us with has to be pure, not silver-coated because we can eventually heal.

I hurriedly rush over to Derreck and poke him. When nothing happens I start shaking him wildly, tears running down my face.

He eyes pop open and he jolts to his feet. "What did you do? Where is it?"

"What?!" I whisper urgently, wondering what I've done.

"Oh come one, Bekah! What kind of prank have you pulled this time?" He scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest and raising a mocking eyebrow.

At the sound of another gunshot, we both duck down.

"See, I didn't do anything." I whisper as he crawls closer to me.

"Then why are there hunters upstairs?" He demands quietly - at least he's being quiet now.

"I don't know, I woke up to the screaming. We need to hurry, Derreck, the whole house will burn soon." I whisper, looking toward the door and mutter, "Besides, it easily could be as much your fault as mine."

Taking a deep breath I push myself forward, intending to barge my way out. Of course, I'm stopped about halfway there by an arm snaking its way around my middle. I immediately try to fight my way out of this vise like grip, but he just tightens his arms.

"Bekah stop!" He whispers urgently and I freeze. "There's another way...we can sneak our way out, find the safe house, and wait for anyone else who may escape."

"But what if no one does? What if we're all that's left?" I ask, tears running freely.

"Then we take care of each other. It's what they would have wanted." He says, a single tear flowing down his tanned chin.

Nodding I let him lead me to a secret opening in the basement wall.

Suddenly, I hear the horrible sound of a gun firing. My eyes widen as a white-hot pain surges through my body.

"Oh, Derreck, I know you're down there." A sickly sweet voice coos from somewhere in the darkness.

Just as everything goes dark - and not from the door sealing itself behind us - I look over to see Derreck sobbing as he carefully lifts me into his arms.

"You were was all my fault." He whispers sadly as my world is quickly taken by darkness.

I suddenly feel very heavy as my senses cut off one by last thought is, I can't leave him alone.


Hope you like the story so far. There may not be a lot of this in here - because I'll mainly be typing on my phone - but just wanted ya'll to be able to picture Bekah so check out the little collage of her to the side there ------------>

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