Chapter 36

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Bending with my hand on my knees I gasp for breath for the first time in track practice. How in the world am I winded? I've been training on and off the field for weeks...oh, maybe that's it. I'm probably just exhausted and this is my body's way of telling me to stop it already and rest.

Well, either that or I'm still recovering from being shot with freakin' wolfs bane! Sorry, that was a frustrated moment.

"Hey, you doing alright?" Trey asks, watching me with cautious eyes.

He's been giving me this look all week...ever since he found out the truth about everyone and the whole being shot thing. Honestly, I can't tell if the look makes me feel like they genuinely care or if I want to slap them all. Seriously, the whole lot of them should just take my word and understand that I'm fine.

And not the girl scale way...the whole great, good, okay, not okay, I hate you, fine way. But the actual healthy and ready to kick some alpha ass way.

"I'm fine." I say when he makes no move to keep going. "I'm just a bit exhausted."

"You should really take it easy, see if coach will let you sit out for the day...explain your situation." He says, walking alongside me down the track.

"And tell him what exactly. That I've been training with my mate and pack to fight a group of alphas? That I got shot and came back from the dead because of a hunter attack during said practice? Or wait! How about the fact that we're all werewolves and some of us are born while others were bitten by the one who's supposed to be in a coma? Oh wait, here's the clincher, said mate is the guy I've been calling brother for about ten years now." I hiss under my breath and pick up the pace.

"Well, when you put it that way...but you still need to cut back on something. I mean, even for one of us, this can't be healthy for you. And what if pushing yourself gets you in a coma? Did you think of that?" He asks, voice getting more intense as he speaks.

I freeze in my spot at the thought. "No, I haven't thought of that."

"Or how about what the rest of us would do without you? I know I'm new to this and all but I can tell how much you mean to everyone. Aren't you supported to become the pack's Luna or something like that? Honestly, we all love you - it's hard not to - but I don't think you see how lost we would be if anything happened to you." He says and runs off ahead of me.

I stop and watch as he continues to run away from me, leaving me to my thoughts.

"Okay, gather 'round you worthless pieces of...well, apparently I'm not allowed to say anymore because of one of you snitches narced to Principal Wood. Now I have to use 'kind words' - his words not mine." Coach says, rolling his eyes and looking toward Rhys.

Rhys' eyes widen when the statement registers to him and looks around at everyone like the lost idiot he is - the lost idiot we love him for. "I didn't do it, Coach. Personally I like your derogatory statements and look forward to hearing what you could say next."

I roll my eyes as he continues to suck up to Coach. Honestly, I find the things he says hilarious...but I also know I'm glad I don't have to hear it anymore. I also have the feeling that this new development won't last very long.

"Rhysler! Where's Stevens?" Coach suddenly, taking us all off guard.

"Sorry Coach, haven't seen him since the last time I saw him." Rhys says quickly, looking like he was about to start sweating.

"Okay, so when was that?" Coach asks, it's clear that he's quickly loosing his patience.

"The last time I saw him?" Rhys asks and I have to bite my lip to keep from laughing my head off.

Coach gives a look that clearly tells him to spit it out or else. I look over at Jase and see how he's barely keeping himself together and look away quickly. I just can't handle this - it's too funny.

"Well, it's definitely it's the time I saw him last." Rhys says nodding confidently.

"You are of absolutely no help. Okay, well take a ten minute break and...Youngblood!" I flinch at the volume of his overpowering voice and try not to wince.

"Yes Coach?" Trey asks, standing at attention.

"Find Stevens and report back to me." Coach says and the sound of fort steps coming our way catches my attention. "Okay, now take ten or I'll decide you don't deserve it!"

After we disperse I look up and see Anna. The girl who shot me.

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