Chapter 2

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Sighing I take in the pristine building before me. It's large brick walls are exactly like they've always been - boring and reeking of angsty teenagers. Seriously, I can literally taste the anxiety, anger, and the stinch of lust clinging to the air is almost suffocating. Why can't these idiots actually keep it in their pants unitl they're far away from me? It's nauseating to have to be around that for a few minutes, much less all day.

I sigh and quickly get out of my car - Derreck's way of sucking up to me and horrible attempt at bribery - locking the doors with a satisfying click. Taking a deep breath, I raise my head high and strut my way into the school. That's the great thing about being a wolf: the power. It keeps the annoying people away...mostly because their human instincts tell them something about me should be feared. I like holding that power over them - as long as things go my way. Which, more often than not, they don't.

Obviously...otherwise I wouldn't be here.

I hear a wolf whistle and freeze for a moment, my wolf wanting to whack the boy upside the head - him and his friends. I glance over and see a group of seven or eight guys smirking over at me from their group in the parking lot. I just roll my eyes and continue inside, not really bothering to be angry at their obnoxiousness.

I briskly make my way to the office to get my schedule.

"Miss Haile, is it?" The woman behind the counter asks me suspiciously.

"Yes?" I answer, not sure if my answer would be good or bad.

"Any relation to Derreck Haile?" She asks, eying me closely.

I nod at the older woman, taking in her appearance. Her graying auburn hair shines in the fluorescent lighting, her bright blue eyes glow with a hint of mischief, and - to be honest - she dresses like a hipster high school drama teacher. The look somehow suits her.

"He's my step-brother and guardian." I answer quickly, glancing down at the counter I'm currently leaning on.

"Oh, that's sweet of him. He was always such a sweet boy around here. Too bad about the accident though." She says, sounding a little odd.

"What do you mean?" I ask, covering my nerves easily.

"Oh, the fire dear! Not to mention poor Paul who's been in a coma for two years." She says, shaking her head sadly. "Honey, I'm surprised that you and he made it out unscathed."

"Oh, I was away at boarding school during the fire." I say, swallowing the slow-forming lump rising in my throat.

"Well, that's great! At least you didn't have to go through all that trauma." She says with a smile, handing over a sheet of paper. "Looks like your brother already sent all your paperwork. And you're up to speed on everything - quite the smart one you were. You were already a junior when everything happened so you can continue from there."

It takes me a moment to realize she's right. When I was younger I skipped a couple grades and was actually taking the same classes as Derreck and Paul - yes, the nimrod failed his original senior year and had to retake. And, yes, he also complained that he had be in the same classes as a girl four years younger than he. And of course I'd laughed at how ridiculous he'd sounded. What a giant baby!

"Thanks." I say, taking the paper and heading out to find my classes.

Looks like Derreck manipulated the system to show that I'd been enrolled in boarding school rather than here. Well, technically, I was...but only through an online program thing that gave me more advanced classes. What?! Back then I'd actually cared about my, I couldn't care less about something.

Before I know it, I'm standing at the door to my next class....they've already started. And it's history, with some guy nammed...Mr. Vanicky. I take a deep breath and open the door as quietly as I possibly can.

"Well, I'm proud to see you've actually decided to join the class mister Rhys....oh, who're you?" The man asks in shock when he notices - I take note that he pronounced the name like 'rice'.

Who would name their child rice?

"Um, I'm new." I say, pursing my lips as I hold out my schedule for him to see.

"Right! You're the new kid. Take a seat next to Dean there and pay attention." He says, pointing to a seat in the front.

"Yes, Mr. Vanicky." I say, quickly taking my seat so I can get out of the spotlight - it's always uncomfortable for so many people to stare at you like new meat.

When the teacher starts laughing I look around, confused.

"People around here just call me Coach." He laughs again.

"Coach." I nod, tucking that into my memory for later - I get the odd feeling I'll be seeing a lot of this man.

"Hey, Coach, sorry I'm late!" A guy says, rushing in a little out of breath.

Coach lets out an exasperated sigh. "Of course you are Rhys."


Hey you wonderful people! It's great to see you again. Make sure to check out the side there and get a little peak on what Paul looks like ----->

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