Chapter 34

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"You turned Trey?!" I yell furiously, punching Paul in the chest repeatedly.

He quickly latched onto my hands and puts some distance between us. "Okay, this one wasn't intentional and it was only a scratch! I didn't know he'd turn from that."

I roll my eyes and punch him square in his annoying jaw - it's only annoying because it allows him to actually speak. "Do you think before you flap that thing you have the nerve to call a mouth?"

"Well, seeing as I've finally found the control panel for my own body again after several years of being stuck inside it while my wolf took the reigns...yeah, I think. Sometimes, when it's actually a benefit to me." Paul says and I immediately wish he was back in the version of the coma where he just lied there - does that make me a bad person?

"Well, sorry to burst your bubble but there are certain rules we have to follow. Your negligence and constant lack of owning your mistakes will get us all dead some day." I say, getting right in his face.

"Oh, dear fake niece, you know I can't help myself when you talk all dirty." Paul says with a smirk, not backing down.

A growl emanates behind me and my back stiffens - I honestly don't know if it excites me or just pisses me off even more. I clench my teeth as I feel someone make their way up to me and stops right behind me, the heat radiating off his body seeping through my skin. Just from the acute awareness I know who it is.

"Derreck, I'm okay." I sigh, earning confused looks from the guys...they can tell something's a bit different.

"Yeah, but I just don't like him. The others are fine because they're harmless...but him, eh, him I don't like." Derreck growls lowly, lightly touching his knuckles against the small of my back.

I don't say anything to make him move because I know it will sooth him - darn possessive alpha blood! "Okay, Paul, you're forgiven this once...but no more. We'll have to train him and lock him up next to Xander on the full moon. Where's Trey now?"

"He's waiting in the front...figured the sitting room would be better for him - he seemed scared." Henri says, moving from his place against the far wall.

"Thank you for putting up with all of us. It's not easy to handle a bunch of wolves who want to rip each other apart sometimes." I say, smiling over at him.

"So...I got a question." Paul says, raising a hand with a smirk on his face.

I roll my eyes and try to refrain from punching him again. "And what is that?"

"What exactly is different about you two? There's definitely something but I can't quite place it - you know, since I've never found mine." Paul says, eyes glowing just a bit.

I clench my teeth and don't do a thing to conceal my enraged growl as I stalk toward him. "It has no relevance to you so just keep out of it. After the battle with the alphas we can talk about it...but not now."

"You're not fighting them." Derreck says suddenly, earning an amused laugh from Paul.

I turn and raise an eyebrow at him. "I will fight because I'm your best fighter. Besides, as if I'd let you all go without me. I won't let what's mine get hurt."

I smirk when I see the realization that he won't win reaches Derreck's eyes and he nods in agreement. "I just don't want to see you hurt."

"Trust me, I'll be fine." I say as a gasp echoes through the room.

"Dude, your eyes." Xander says, walking forward a bit with wide eyes.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"Here." Ian says, handing me the mirror that had been sitting next to Henri.

I take the mirror from him and roll my eyes before looking at what's suddenly got all their panties in a wad. Gasping I stare into the silver glow of my eyes, watching the interwoven fleck and strands of deep purple dance through the usual color. They're also brighter - kind of like the color is somehow alive in its own way.

"Um, that's new." I say, unsure of how to respond.

"I have a theory about that..." Old Man Henri - who really only looks like he's in his mid-thirties than like an old man - says slowly.

"And what's that?" Derreck asks, and through the mirror I see him move closer to me until he's right behind me again.

Then the doctor goes into a long theory about how he thinks the color changes as I get exposed to different poisons of our kind - I have to say, either he's a genius or he's really well informed bar cause all of this is very similar to what the goddesses told me. And, after the guys seem satisfied with his theory, Paul asks the one thing I don't want to think about.

" that you're mates, where will you two choose to live? Because if you say the old estate, I'm going to kill you both. That, or I'm going to let whatever fatal diseases that have definitely decided to grow there do the job for me." This alone earns an eye roll from me.

"Mate?!" The others yell in shock - Ian's is more of a oh-my-god kind of shock but the others are more of what-the-hell-is-a-mate-and-why-are-they-whatever-it-is!? kind of thing.

Well, this is gonna be a long night....

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