Chapter 5

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"Who're they?" I ask, nodding to the two guys - Jasynn and Rhys.

The group glances their way before simultaneously giving me varying degrees of dubious looks.

"Who, Dean and Rhysler? They're just wannabes that can barely play. Coach lets them join the team to warm the bench and play when we're looking too good. No need to worry about them." Trey says.

I nod, making sure not to make it too obvious that I'm still keeping an eye on the two in question. "Maybe you should give them at least a little credit, some people can surprise you."

Especially if they know something they shouldn't.

My phone starts to buzz in the waistband of my shorts and I lean back a little to pull it out. Derreck.

We have a problem. Is his message.

What? Is it hunters?

Derreck: No...worse.

Me: Honestly, what could be worse?

Derreck: I just found half a body. The police found the rest before I could track it down.

Me: Okay, on my way!

"Okay you worthless little maggots! I'd love to say that I'm sad for adding more torture to your sorry lives...of course, that would be lying. And lairs end up in jail! Or detention, both are okay with me. Because each of you sad excuses for my future and that of our country need to learn a lesson and it would sadden me deeply to deprive you of that learning..." The tall woman next to him clears her throat. "Unfortunately, even though I want to see each and every one of you suffer right now, I regret we have to postpone this until next weekend." Coach shouts, practically spitting in his anger.

I blink a few times as everyone around me starts to groan.

"Oh don't give me that! Sheriff's orders, nothing I can do about it." Coach says, his face turning an alarming shade of pink...maybe he needs anger management courses?

I watch quietly as the students angrily make their way back to the locker least I have a good reason to leave. I bet this is because of the body. Something like this would make anyone go a little crazy. I sigh as if I'm upset and stand to my full height, shrugging to the guys.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow." I say, making a face before rushing to the locker room as quickly as possible to keep them from stopping me.

"Oh, and there's a new curfew! So stay in doors after dark!" Coach shouts before storming away to, what I'm guessing, is the direction of his office.

All I hear after he's out of sight is a door slamming and a string of shouts that obviously belong to Coach. Maybe I should sign him up for therapy...or introduce him to Derreck.

I quickly change back into my regular clothes from this morning and rush out to the parking lot. I need to get to Derreck as fast as...wait a minute, that pain in the butt didn't tell me where he is or where he found the body! Angry at him - and myself a little - I yank my phone from the back pocket on my shorts and hit his number in my speed dial.

And, just my luck, right as the phone starts to ring and I reach my car I realize someone's is yelling, running straight for me. I quickly hit the end button and swivel around, glaring at the boy who dared to disrupt my haste.

"What?" I demand, not even bothering to hide the perhaps small amount of venom in my voice.

That Trey guy skids to a stop in front of me and hold his hands up in surrender. "You just dropped this. I figured it may be important so I ran after you."

I peer over at his outstretched hand and feel myself deflate a little. He holds a small pendant in the shape of a bronze wolf howling up at a white-gold moon...the last remaining remnant of my parents' love for each other and me. It was originally an engagement gift from my father Gadriel. After they'd marked each other as their mate this was the symbol that marked their necks in a representation of their eternity...although, this wolf is the shape of my mother, Anna's. This was his way of showing her just how much he loved her.

My heart and wolf both yearn for the kind of love they'd shared. To find my true mate and beg him to keep me...even though I don't deserve him. As an unmated female I should have waited for my mate to show himself before giving my heart away, but one night and a week of stupid ruined that. I fear that whoever he is will throw me out as soon as our eyes meet.

"Thank you." I say through the lump around my throat, trying desperately to keep the emotions bottled up until I'm safely alone...I don't even cry around Derreck anymore.

"No problem, see ya tomorrow." He says, backing away with a wave before taking off.

I take a moment to really get a look at the guy. His tall, lean figure ripples with muscle as he jogs toward his friends. His dark charcoal skin shines a little against the sunlight wherever they meet and his hair is even darker. His athletic build is accented by his skinny jeans, grey-blue button up shirt, purple plaid long-sleeve tied around his waist and lime green high tops...not exactly sure if it really goes together but he pulls it off nicely.

I smile to myself as I turn quickly and hop into my car, a beautiful cherry red 2012 Chevy Impala LS. A prized vehicle that I worked for in a diner to raise enough money to get - all from sixteen hours of work a day and using an overly cheerful attitude to gain more tips. And Derreck chipped in a bit with some of the money left in his - our - family's savings.

A phone buzzing makes me jerk the wheel, almost hitting some kid in a large dull blue jeep. I hit my brakes and glare up into the eyes of none other than that Rhys guy and Jasynn. I sigh and let them pass before gunning the engine and speeding my way home.


That Jasynn is a cutie! Curious to see what he kinda looks like in my mind? Check him out to the side there ----->

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