Chapter 10

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"Dude, did you hear that?" Jasynn asks us.

"Hear what? Seriously man, you've been hearing things all week." Rhys says as we find our usual table in the cafeteria.

It's finally Friday and today we're trying out again for the team. Technically track practices won't start until the second half of the year but that's fine...I can find a way to preoccupy myself - like going to the guys' games and cheer them on.

We've gotten close over the week, hanging out at school and training a bit after. The first day we ran around the track for over an hour as they tried to keep up with me. When they finally gave up I took a few laps on my own and went to find them sitting on the bleachers. Rhys told me I'd be their best runner for the team and that he's never seen someone keep the pace I had for as long as I did. He also said it was nearly impossible. I simply laughed and told him I liked to break all lines and toss them in the air before taking off into the night.

The two are pretty awesome, I hope one of them could be my mate - sadly they're not wolves. Or does that even matter? I'm not sure, no one really explained all of that.

"Shut up for a sec, please." Jasynn says, concentrating really hard on something.

My brow furrows as I try to locate what he may be listening to. There's nothing close enough for him, but there is a girl around our age arguing to with a man outside.

"Dad, I don't understand why we had to move out here! I don't want a new school." She says, slamming a door - maybe a car.

"Hon, you know we didn't have a choice. My job moved me out here and there's nothing I could do about it." The girl's father answers indulgently, as if he's said this same thing a thousand times.

I quickly tune them out and look over at Jasynn - who still looks like he's concentrating on something.

"Welcome again!" Coach says with fake enthusiasm as he walks over to us. "Still trying out for the team I hope Miss...."

"Haile." I say with a smile, trying not to roll my eyes at his rudeness - he's seriously starting to get on my nerves.

"Right! Any relation to Derreck?" He asks suddenly, eyeing me closely.

I nod, glancing at my two friends - who look just as interested as anyone who asks the question. "He's my brother...and guardian."

"Well, tell him hello for me. He was a great member of the team once upon a time." Coach says wistfully before sighing and leaving us.

"You're brother is the famous Derreck Haile?!" Rhys whisper screams at me.

"Yeah." I say with a shrug, as if it's no big deal.

"Really? Because he was so amazing! He led the school to victory on every team he was in - along with that other guy. Um, what was his name...?" Rhys says enthusiastically, scratching his neck.

"Paul Matthews?" I ask in a bored tone - sure he may be in a coma, but he was still an annoying pain in my butt.

"Yeah! Paul and him made an amazing pair. Even if it's strange that they were so close in age and Paul was Derreck's uncle. How does that work?" Rhys asks his eyes wide and eager with interest.

"Well, Derreck's mom was Paul's sister. I guess Safron and her daughter had a kid close together." I say with a shrug.

"You guess? Derreck's mom? Why do you say it like that?" Jasynn asks, leaning forward as he takes a bite of his cafeteria burger.

"I was adopted." I say, not bothering to come up with a lie.

"Oh." Rhys says, scratching his head.

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