Chapter 9

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"Well, no wonder you look a mess." He says, leaning back in his chair and rubbing his temples.

"Excuse me?!" I say with clenched teeth, raising a questioning brow.

"Not like that." He shakes his head before looking over at me. "It's're covered in mud and cuts. I'm surprised the poor guy downstairs let you in at all. Thankfully your clothes look semi decent - other than the fact that you're hardly wearing anything - and you used the name card."

I roll my eyes and stand up, too tired to deal with him right now. Unfortunately the pain in my ribs starts to burn, making me wince.

"Wait!" He says, grabbing into my elbow. "At least let me help clean you up a bit. Take a shower and come back in here so I can make sure you're alright."

I nod. "Alright."


I wake up the next morning with a groan. My whole body feels as if someone ran me over with eighteen buses...I mean, I guess the two are equivalent - in some way.

I roll off the bed and land hard on my hands. Crabs that hurt! I push myself up and head to the shower. After getting dressed I look into the mirror to work on my makeup, noticing a light pink scar cutting through my right brow. Well, that's going to be hard to cover up...hopefully it will look fine by the time I get to school in an hour.

Wait a minute, I need hurry! I was planning to conveniently run into Jasynn today to make sure he's alright. Dang gummit!

I quickly throw some makeup on and rush into my room, ignoring the slight pain shooting through my rib cage. I grab a pair of maroon leggins and a mid-calf length black shirt-dress with a tiger surrounded by maroon an gray decoration. I quickly shove on a pair of gold gladiator sandals and place a long gold necklace around my neck - it has a cute little wolf pendant on the end. I grab my gold cuff bracelet and my backpack on the way out, making sure to be positive my apple is real before hurrying to the elevator.

I don't have time to figure out where Derreck may be, but I'm sure he's been trying to figure out what's the deal with this creepy beast thing.

I hurry through the lobby and hop into my car before speeding off towards the school. Last night, while we were cleaning and medicating the wounds to make sure nothing got infected, he finally told me the real reason we're back. He'd been keeping tabs in the papers and on the news about this place. There have been several accounts of strange attacks and a strange animal terrorizing people...sadly, none of the other people survived the attacks.

I find the first parking place I see when I make it to the school - thankfully it's close to the front - and briskly make my way inside as I try not to look too obvious. Making my way to my locker, I scan around the halls for his face and scent. Just when I think he may not be coming I catch his scent when the door opens.

I glance over for a second and look back in my locker, watching him from the corner of my eye. He has a bandage taped to the spot where the creature but him. His navy t-shirt covers it pretty well and he's covered his legs - which no doubt are bruised - with a pair of light blue jeans. Poor kid must be dying right now. A pair of old gray converse peek out at me under the bottom of his jeans, making me smile a little.

A strange smell hits me for a second and just like snapping your fingers - or eating a delicious piece of cake - it's gone. I shake my head and listen to the sounds of his footsteps. He's headed for first period. I smirk as I grab my book and head in the same direction, making sure to look distracted as I try to hide the fact that I'm following him. Just to check for any signs that he may be hurt, of course.

Once inside I look around as though I'm searching for my chair. When something catches my eye, I look up to see Jasynn waving at me - I notice him wince a little.

I smile gratefully and walk over, dropping my bag onto my desk. "Thanks."

"No problem! Couldn't have you staring around the place like a lost puppy." He says with a boyish smile so intoxicating it makes me return the gesture.

"Who says I'm the lost puppy?" I ask, hearing someone walking our way.

"Who's lost?" Rhys asks.

I look up and see him up close for the first time - he's attractive definitely. His short dirty blond hair rest on top of a nicely chiseled face. His eyes, the color one can only find deep in the ocean, stand out against his long lashes. He's talk and muscular and yet still managed to look a bit lanky - even with his broad shouldered state. His blue shirt and kaki jean shorts make him look slightly tanner than he is.

"New girl here." Jasynn answers with a small chuckle.

I raise my brow. "New girl has a name. It's Bekah."

"Nice to meet you Bekah." Rhys says, holding a hand out for me to shake.

I shake my head and take his hand in mine - he's the other human that had been with Jasynn last night. Must have left while I was trying to lead the beast away - we all know how well that turned out for me.

"It's nice to be met. Even if I don't know your names." I say with a nod and small smile.

Rhys laughs and takes the seat behind Jasynn. "I'm Rhys and that's my good friend Jasynn. We're trying out for the team."

"Please tell me it's not the cheer team." I plead with a small chuckle.

"No way! I mean, we're going for track and football. We've made the team for the past three years." Rhys said, nodding like it's the best thing on the planet.

"Yeah, as alternates." Jasynn says with a small, kinda bitter chuckle. "But this year's gonna be different. This year we're gonna start."

I smile and nod. "You know what? I think you're right, this year everything's gonna change."

Maybe I can have friends....these two seem good enough.

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