Chapter 39

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"Really? You brought me here?" I ask with an amused chuckle as I look around at it all.

"Of course! It's the first place I saw you and, to be honest, I thought you looked like my worst nightmare." He says with a shy smirk as he scratches his neck nervously.

"You know, if you wanted me to not hurt you, you probably should have brought me somewhere with a better memory. Or kept that last bit to yourself." I say, glancing around at the old hockey rink.

"Fine, let's make this even. What did you think of me when you first saw me?" He asks taking hold of my hand and pulling me toward the stands.

"You really want to know?" I ask, making a face as I think over what his reaction will be when - if - I tell him.

He just nods with an amused smirk.

"Fine, but it's probably going to be worse than what you said." I give him a warning look as I sigh in defeat.

I watch him as he sits in on of the seats, pulling out two pairs of skates and watching me patiently. I can't help but smile as he holds a pair out to me - that huge smirk still in place. I take the skates and watch him as I slowly lace them on. I understand that I'm stalling, but it's embarrassing!

"I have all evening, you know. But unfortunately I want to skate across the ice smoothed out just for us at some point before they kick us out." He says, smirking at me as he stands with a sigh and I can't help the grin spreading across my face.

"I thought 'why is the alpha bringing me to see this airhead, human punching bag of a person rather than important people.' And then you came to the side of the rink and he introduced you as his son. Talk about awkward." I say, making a face as I remember the tension that immediately followed.

Suddenly he starts laughing, practically falling over in the process. Between his loud guffaws he manages to say, "Wow...tha-that's hilarious! I...I don't...e-even know what to say!"

I punch his shoulder. "You're mean! I don't think I want to be around you anymore. Plus, I thought you'd be mad."

He stops laughing look over at me, carefully pulling my hand into the warm cocoon of his own. This action alone sends tingles of both pleasure and safety coursing throughout my body. At the look in his piercing green eyes I freeze in anticipation for whatever he may say or do.

"Beks, I never want you to feel like you can't tell me something - it's the one thing that's kept us so close all this time and the reason I was scared you'd find a mate. You make me better...also, I would never be mad about what you have to say as long as you're being honest with me." The vulnerable, sincere look dwelling within his eyes tells me all I need to know. "Plus, I was quite puny for an alpha's son."

"Yeah you were!" I nod. "And I'll keep the honesty in mind. As long as you return the favor, idiot."

At my attempt to lighten the mood he laughs one of those deep belly laughs, the kind that makes me join in because it sounds so infectious. After a few minutes of just laughing we head over to the ice hand in hand.

"So, if you need any help I'll be right here." He says, squeezing my hand a bit to show his meaning.

"Aw, but I wanted to leave you in the dust!" I say, dropping his hand and takin off down the ice. "Bet I'm too fast for you!"

"I can handle that challenge." He says calmly as he stays in his spot and I turn to face him. "But what happens when I catch you?"

"Who says you'll catch me?" I call back teasingly.

He gives me a look. "Don't worry, I will."

A shiver runs down my spine and I gulp down the lump forming in my throat. I'm so busy trying to get my hormones in check after that statement that I don't notice him gliding toward me at an alarmingly fast rate. He stops right in front of me for a second before pouncing and taking us both down, quickly turning us over so he lands on bottom before rolling us over. His eyes watch my reaction as he slowly leans in, pressing his lips to mine in a questioning way. I growl softly before snaking my hands into his hair and pulling him roughly towards me.

I hear him chuckle as he pulls back a bit, his right hand at my cheek as his left rubs soothing circles along my lower ribs just above my belly button. "Your turn to catch me."

With that he's up and skating to the far side of the room. I growl in frustration as I get up and race after him. This goes on for hours until we both collapse on the ground, our legs tired from balancing on the skates for so long. On and off he'd either pull me to him to kiss me or try to do one of those crazy intricate ice dancing things - which he was surprisingly good at, unlike myself.

As we lay our breathing slowly returns to normal. "You know I love you, right?"

His question throws me off guard for a moment. "Why would that be a question?"

"No," he chuckles softly. "I mean, I'm in love with you. Have been ever since you attacked me in the basement that one night."

"Um, are you a masocist? Because I'm not sure I'm into that kinky stuff...maybe one day but," I start to ramble as he turns over, stopping me by covering my mouth.

"Don't worry, I know what you like. And, no, I'm not a masocist...I just noticed something very unique about you when you finally fell asleep." He says, pushing a strand of hair off my face.

"What? That I could actually be quite for a while?" I ask, sarcasm practically dripping from my tone.

"No," he says with a roll of his eyes and that horribly adorable crooked smile of his. "I say the beautiful creature I should have noticed the first time I saw you. The gorgeous soul Paul was the first to notice and fall for. Because - even if you don't believe it - he definitely fell for you at one point. Even if he's ruined it by that idiot mouth of his. To be honest, you were the first to tell him no - which was the first thing I liked about you."

"Oh, and yet you still treated me like the piranha of the pack?" I say with a reason smirk.

"Well, I couldn't let on that I thought you were cool! Just think of all the teasing I would've had to live through - the horror! Plus, you of all people should know that guys tug the pony tails of the girls they like." He says, pointing at me like I'm the one at fault.

"Hey! Maybe if guys were more straightforward with the girls they like, things would work out a lot better for them. Did you think of that?" I ask, poking him in the chest.

"You mean if I looked at you right now and tell you just how much I want you, you'll give in to my charm?" He asks, like a child of Christmas morning.

"No, but I mean I've always known how horny you can get so it shouldn't surprise me." I say, making sure I look deep in thought about it before cracking a smile.

"That's just mean! First you tell me it would make things better if I just say what I want and then you turn me down like a floppy, gooey pancake....that just pains me." He says, looking down as if he's about to cry.

"Oh, we both know that's your fake cry face so don't even start with me." I say, pushing his arm lightly.

"You know, we both know everything about each other - the good, the bad, and the ugly." He warns while narrowing his eyes playfully.

"Yes. And we both agree that I'm the good, you're the bad, and Paul's the, what do you make if it?" I say, returning the playful attitude he's giving off.

"Oh, sometimes your comebacks really get me." He says with a laugh, watching me closely. "But I don't know if I completely agree with that one."

"And why's that?" I ask, intrigued by what he'll say.

"Well, there are sometimes when you can be bad...very, very bad." He says, eyes growing dark with that statement as his scent quickly starts filling the air until it's all I can smell.

"And now's not one of them." I say with a smirk as I get up and skate to where our shoes wait for us. "At least, not in the way you want."

He growls at the wink I give him before skating over to me. He quickly moves my hands from the laces of the skates and untied them himself, watching me as he removes each shoe before replacing them with my own. Once he's done - and my heart is pounding so hard it should be across the room by now - he quickly moves on to his own. I take a deep breath and blow the bangs out of my face while he just laughs at me.

"You should be nicer to me." He says with a smirk.

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