Chapter 40

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I flinch as the door slams for the umpteenth time - seriously, if this was Mel's house she'd murder one of these idiots. I can hear it now, as a matter of fact, the way she'd come storming in from her room upstairs. She'd be yelling up a storm about how she needed her sleep and would make a scary close comment about how we were acting like wild animals - for someone who has no clue about what's really going on, she says things that are just a bit too close for comfort. As soon as this whole deal with the alphas is over with, I'm gonna convince Derreck to let us tell her what's going on.

Seriously, with as much as she's put up with the pack she deserves at least a little clarity. Besides, that poor woman is a saint - don't even get me started on all the random stuff the guys have done to mess with her. I mean, I would have punched them or kicked them out if I'd been in her shoes - at least I get them back for her during training. Sadly, they're slowly getting closer to my strength which puts us on almost equal footing and I don't like that. Of course, it does make me train harder which may or may not be a goo thing.

Also, the guys are starting to look like they're ready to either take on the wolf pack of twilight - it's almost like they could rival Emmett in size for some - or they're ready to take a shot at the Olympics. I'm not even joking right now. The sad part is that they could've been considered scrawny just two weeks ago compared to their muscle now.

It's not like they're scary large, but they are definitely defined - which is made more obvious by how they now refuse to wear more than a pair of basketball shorts to training just to show off their abs and arms. These guys seriously give me a headache.

"Hey, Beks!" Ian says, plopping down next to my spot on the couch.

"Hey Ian." I answer, pulling my legs under me.

"How's it been goin? Was the date any fun?" He asks as Jase comes over to sit on the floor in front of me.

Suddenly I feel all eyes on me, like they all heard Ian's whispered question and it's peaked their interest - damn nosy boys. Honestly, what happened was something special between Derreck and me - we didn't sleep together or anything, but it was still personal! Seriously, get your own dating lives and butt out of mine. Yeesh!

Of course, I don't say that out loud. That's just mean and they're only curious - maybe I need to go get myself checked out for bipolar disease? My emotions are flipping like a pancake right now and it's tiring me out.

"It was good." I eventually say and nod - seems like a good enough answer to me.

"Seriously? That's all you're gonna say about it?" Audrey, Xander's mate, asks incredulously as she walks over with a tray of goodies.

As soon as he got the go-ahead, Xander explained everything about our kind to her. The first few minutes were touch and go, but she quickly accepted the whole idea. I've been learning more and more about her when she comes to hang out with us after she gets out of her evening cooking classes. Oh, did I forget to mention she's an aspiring chef? Like not only does she cook amazing food and appetizers, but she's also really good with deserts too. She has two different classes and they rotate - desserts on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and everything else Tuesday and Thursday.

I'm just glad that I get a break for cooking for so many wolves! We eat a ton and it takes forever to make all that.

"Um, yes?" I say, furrowing my brow in confusion.

She sets the tray on the table in front of the couch and pushes me over before sitting next to me. "Girl, you've obviously been stuck alone with these boys for far too long! I mean, if I had gone on a date with that fine piece of...well, I would definitely be letting everyone know. Plus, he looks like he'd be a romantic."

I look over at said romantic as he digs around the pantry for...honestly, I'm not even sure. A small, content smile stretches my lips as I think of our night at the hockey rink - he ended up not wanting to leave and got into a "confrontation" with the owner just so he could stay longer. I say that with quotation marks because they were both laughing and goading each other the whole time - the owner was one of his old teammates and they just liked messing with each other.

"See!" She says with a look as she points a finger at my face. "That look alone tells me all I need to know...for now. But later I'm making you spill!"

I laugh at her trying to be tough, it reminds me of an angry kitten - the way they think they're being all tough as they claw and hiss, but it just looks so adorable you can't help but laugh.

"Okay." I say as Derreck finally pulls out a pack of styrofoam plates.

"So...this meeting was fun." Xander says, sitting down in Audrey's lap with a dramatic sigh.

Jase grunts grumpily as the rest of us nod - he's been moody all day. Derreck squeezes his way between Ian and I as Audrey shoves Xander off her - they're both so dramatic and silly that they're perfect together. At least she returns all he gives - and it's hilarious to watch! One time he stole some food off her plate so she put live worms on his just to prove a point...I mean, it was gross, but his reaction was priceless.

"Hey there." Derreck says, placing a light kiss to my temple before wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

I sigh and lean back into his warmth. Oh, do not be fooled by this content, happy Derreck sitting next to me right now...he hasn't really changed much. He still looks at Rhys likes he's the most annoying thing on the planet and the snarky comments between the two never cease. Derreck also doesn't do this much - the whole, sitting and chilling for a while to watch a movie. Nah, I had to beg him for this - a bonding period with the pack that didn't include manual labor or physical exercise.

Which was anything but easy.

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