Chapter 35

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I cover my mouth to keep the small scream from reverberating throughout the house and wake everyone up. Seriously, all I wanted was a nice glass of cold water and now I come back to this! My idiot, pushy - somehow sweet - ignoramus of a mate sneaking in through my window.

"I thought I told you I was staying here...alone!" I whisper yell at him.

He shrugs like it doesn't bother him in the least and strolls over to my bed, laying down as if it belongs to him. "I said you could stay here...but I didn't agree to the alone part."

I roll my eyes. "Well, I thought you'd actually respect my decision on this. You know, the whole do-what-your-mate-asks thing and not make them feel like their needs are insignificant."

Suddenly he's right in my face. "Well, I had very intention of letting you do as you please! Even though a part of me broke when you'd said it, I didn't make you feel horrible."

"Then why didn't you listen?" I demand harshly, my wolf scolding me for hurting him.

"Well...I didn't exactly anticipate how horrible I'd feel when not close to you!" He says angrily before dropping his faze to the floor, a sad expression filling his expressive eyes. "I'm not used to this kind of thing when it comes to you. I agreed because we've survived like this for a while...but it's different not that my wolf begs and pleads to always be beside you. Please forgive me?"

My heart melts at his words as he slowly sinks to his knees in front of me, wrapping his arms tight around my waist. I sigh and maneuver myself to kneel in front of him. I reach forward with one hand when he refuses to look me in the eye and tilt his chin up, smiling softly.

"Why didn't you just say that in the first place?" I ask, showing him he's completely forgiven - to be honest, I didn't feel right these past few hours without him. "You know, you could save yourself a lot of arguments just by blurting the truth behind your actions as soon as you see me."

He smiles brightly before pulling me into him roughly, slamming his mouth onto mine. Tingles shoot through my lips, neck, and shoulder. Everywhere our skin comes in contact. I quickly loose myself in the pleasure of the touch of my mate and before I know it, he's lifted me up and moved us over to the bed. As he slowly, carefully lays me back onto the soft pillows his lips make a trail from my lips, across my jaw line, and down my neck until he reaches my collar bone, making me gasp.

"Wait! We shouldn't...not now." I say, desperately trying to get my wits together.

"Why not? This is no longer a forbidden thing and I've waited so long to touch you this way again." He says, sliding his hand sensually along the sensitive skin covering my ribs.

I grab his hand. "I know, but I want to do this right. I've already lost it to you..."

"Which I can't tell you how good it feels to know I'm the only one who's ever touched you." He says with a smirk as he tries to kiss me again.

"But I want us to do this right. We need to make it to where you're no longer my guardian and I need to take back my last name." I say, earning an enraged growl.

"But you're mine." He hisses through his teeth.

"Yes, but it needs to be the right way. I need to graduate and at least pretend to be heading off to a normal life. I can't just move back in with you or disappear." I say, looking up into his eyes.

"What if I get Mel to agree to be your official guardian and explain our situation?" He asks, eyes pleading me with earnestness and lust.

I laugh at the suggestion. "And tell her we're werewolves? How exactly do you think she'll take that bit of information?"

"Hopefully, very well because I want you in every way possible." He says, eyes darkening a shade with lust.

"Really?" I say, a thought finally occurring to me. "Well, I guess I could let you mark me..."

He growls admiringly at the idea but shakes his head. "Unfortunately, the battle is coming up and they'll try to defeat us by hurting each other if they sense we're bonded that way."

I groan as the truth of his words sets in. "Sadly, you're right. Why can't we be normal - like other werewolves?!"

He laughs. "I'm not exactly sure what your definition of normal is, but we are anything but - just as a species, for that matter."

"Sadly, you're right...." I grumble, not liking our situation one bit. "But you're staying tonight - no funny business - and have to sleep here. Now that you're here, I can't let you go."

He chuckles and shifts us until we're cuddled under the covers. He's laying on his back while I rest my head against his chest and nestle myself into his side, which is perfectly shaped to fit me.

"Oh, you need to lock the door." I say with a chuckle as I roll away from him and cuddle a pillow.

"Of'd wait until I'm comfortable before dropping something like that on me." He says, throwing the covers aside and getting up dramatically.

"What are mates for?" I joke.

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