Chapter 11

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So that's how I ended up here, chugging water and trying not to murder these annoying girls. Seriously, did they have to split us up by gender to get this over with? Thankfully there should be only a few minutes more. I mean, what else can they make us do?

We've already done just about anything a person can think of from different kinds of tumbling, running three miles, jumping hurdles, learning cheers, doing stunts, throwing random objects to see how far they'll go, and shooting a basketball a gazillion times. I'm tired, sweaty, and still a bit sore from the beast attack.

All the outer appearances of the battle have been practically non-existent to the visible world, but my ribs are still healing from the constant cracking they went through. Not to mention the fact I didn't actually let them heal properly. Add the training I've done with the boys this past week and patrols with Derreck....well, let's just say it's been a long week.

"You're doing better than anticipated." Laura says, standing stoically next to me.

"Mhm." I murmur noncommittally, not bothering to even look at her.

"You're Bekah, right?" She asks, obviously trying to get me to say something.

I only nod just to spite her - hiding my smirk at she visually starts to fume.

"Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm Captain this year and we'd love to have you on the team. Everyone already thinks you're awesome and that you're really great." She says disgruntled - obviously not everyone thinks so.

I nod again and she walks briskly back to the group. I turn my back and roll my eyes before rejoining the group. Seriously, of this thing doesn't end soon my wolf's gonna...

"Thank you ladies for this fantastic day!" A short woman, barely five feet tall, with a tiny frame says cheerfully. "We've been blessed by this wonderful turnout and I can't wait to give out the results. Have an awesome day and the listing will be posted Monday during lunch."

I raise a brow at her over-cheerful attitude but don't question it. She's probably the cheerleading coach....anyways, I need to find Jasynn and let him know what's going on.

I hurry to the locker room and quickly rinse off the sweat before changing back into my outfit from this morning. On my way out, I run into to someone unexpected - and I mean literally. The force knocked us both to the ground.

"Oops, sorry about that." The other girl says sincerely, making me look up in shock.

It's that new girl from this morning. Why would she be so nice if she's part of the 'in' crowd? So far all of them have either been full of themselves or way too busy shoving people to the ground before stomping down on them - physically and emotionally.

"Um, it's was my fault anyways." I say, grabbing my bag before getting up and helping her to her feet.

"Thanks, but let's just say we both messed up and let bygones be what they are." She says with a kind smile.

"Okay." I nod, liking her already - if only she wasn't already in Laura's good graces. "Well, see you later."

"Wait! Don't you wanna hang out sometime? I've seen you and your all seem really nice, not like others here." She says, glancing at the floor.

"Oh, sure. You can always come over if you..." I start before Laura steps between us.

"Hey, you ready to head out?" She asks, not even bothering to glance at me or say excuse me.

I wave at the new girl and step around them before heading out. I've had enough of today's surprises - new student, Jasynn possibly a turned wolf, and the tryout that seems to be mostly just for cheer than anything else.

When I finally make it to the soccer field where the boys were supposed to be working, I freeze at the sight in front of me. Rhys is throwing baseballs at Jasynn as he just stands there.

"What're you doing?!" I shriek and run over, ignoring the slight pain streaming trough my midsection.

"Trying to see how it works!" Rhys answers as if it's the most obvious thing.

"See how what works?" I slowly lower my voice as I reach them.

"Well, at first everything was normal - we kind of sucked - until Jasynn here started catching everything and became freaking awesome! Then, at the end of tryouts, I looked over and his eyes were glowing this crazy yellow color and he had claws. Claws! I think our buddy here was attacked by a werewolf last week, but he thinks I'm crazy." Rhys says, looking far too excited for my liking.

"And you think hitting him with baseballs will do what exactly?" I raise a questioning eyebrow.

"It will help us figure out what makes him do it and ultimately how to control it." Rhys says with pride.

I smirk and sit down on the grass a few feet away, waving a curious hand. "Okay, proceed."

"What?!" Jasynn screams, eyes wide in fear.

" need to control it. Wolves can be tricky sometimes, better be the one in control rather than the one controlled." I say, shrugging as I watch with excited interest.

"See! She agrees with this method." Rhys says as he grabs for another baseball.

I try not to laugh as Rhys starts pelting Jasynn with one ball after another for the next ten minutes. I have to say, for a turned wolf he has good control - hasn't lashed out or turned yet.

"Okay, let's see what else you can do." I say and jump up to my feet, startling them both with my speed.

"H-how'd you do that?" Jasynn asks with wide eyes.

"Because...I'm also a wolf." I say really slowly, making it perfectly clear.

"You're a...but you - how?" Rhys stutters, dropping the baseball from loose fingers.

"I was born one, Jasynn here was turned apparently and I think I may know someone who can help."

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